The Official Salient Thread

Which Best Describes the Salient

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New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
This thread will make "Random Thoughts of the Day" look like a bureaucratic convention. It's a place where Salient can update us, his loyal minions on his daily shenanigans and misadventures. But beware! You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of lonely mind. You're moving into a land of both fog and substance, of things and nonsensical ideas. You've just crossed over into the Salient Zone!

Escaped mental patient hah?

I like how you go from making replies that act like you have don't a clue in the world to posts like these where you obviously have some comprehension. So now that I have you cornered ...

Вы понимаете, что вы не имеют смысла в английском?

(Assuming Russian really is your native tongue.;))
Playing the dectetive uh? MR. BLUESKY? i haet u, u fagot!1

but srsly, i got the EXACT SAME feeling when I read that post, haha. Salient is an enigma, but soon he will be no more.
Enigma no more. Troll now 100% confirmed.

P.S. The deserted liaison rents the forum.