The Official Thread for Victim of the Night, who is a Lady of Beauty


† Fuck You Very Much †
Dec 24, 2005
Why dosen't Eli have one god damn it? :mad::mad::mad:

She deserves it.

Eli knows what i think about her awesomest :) this thread is more than perfect
eli's drop dead gorgeous

and sooooooooooooo sweet

(didn't she have a thread though? i could be wrong, lolz, she deserves all threads :lol:)
Mitchy-Mitch.... hun, what have you done???!! I didn't deserve this, you shouldn't have.... but you're so sweet so I forgive you. <3

....and guys and gals, I'm not like you think but well... thanks everyone, you're too kind!! :oops: :)
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;6568830 said:
Mitchy-Mitch.... hun, what have you done???!! I didn't deserve this, you shouldn't have.... but you're so sweet so I forgive you. <3

....and guys and gals, I'm not like you think but well... thanks everyone, you're too kind!! :oops: :)

BLASPHEMY!!!!1 :zombie:
...oh, thank you all, buddies... I'm flattered again. :)

She told me she had one, that's why I've never made one for her... Maybe she told me so because she knew I was going to make her a new thread, she's so nice and shy, and... beautiful!!

Sis... non me lo meritavo nemmeno, questo thread. E figurati se avessi chiesto a qualcuno di farmene uno. Tvbbbbb.