the official Woods of Ypres thread

the last album gets a lot of praise. it seems the early stuff goes for a lot of $....

....or sellers think it should
The demo and the last album are both worthy listens, despite sounding absolutely nothing like each other.
I've never even heard the third/green album, but it definitely wins the award for the most ridiculous song titles.
i just absolutely cannot deal with the dollar tree peter steele on autotune shit

i mean i'm listening to woods 5 on youtube now and it has some decent musical ideas for sure

but those fucking vocals though, can't get past them, just so fuckin bad
Thurisaz covered the song Finality. I dug it enough to listen to the original. It wasnt bad, but yeah, definite Peter Steele vibe
Lyrics from the Green album. wtf dude

"Drag that fucking weight man, drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fucking anchor across the rocks, push that mountain into the sea

Drag that weight! Over foreign landscapes! Drag that weight!

Drag that fucking weight man, drag that weight and breathe
???? the weak

Drag that weight! Over foreign landscapes! Drag that weight!

Like a 10 ton stone statue, standing before miles of mountains
In a foreign land, where you don’t speak the language there
Like a 10 ton stone statue, standing before miles of mountains
In a foreign land, where you don’t speak the language

I feel so heavy man...
I feel so heavy man... so I drag that weight...
And I drag that weight over foreign landscapes

Drag that fucking weight man, drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fucking anchor across the rocks, push that mountain into the sea

Drag that weight! Over foreign landscapes!
And I drag that weight! Slow and heavy!
lol @ Dollar Tree Peter Steele
Even their corporate logo is green so it's all connected.

Revisiting the Green Album, it's perfectly fine. Not great and well yes the vocals are......what they are......but I still like it alright.