the official Woods of Ypres thread

So the band isn't breaking up after all?!?!

David I. Ypres WOODS OF YPRES quit/ended/broke up: totally false. It never really happened. WOODS OF YPRES signed to Earache Records: true. Earache will release W5, we will tour...we've already started initial work and planning for a W6. There will be LOTS more! I am still in the desert: True (for now). More news soon! DG

WOODS OF YPRES founder / frontman David Gold has posted two tracks from his new side-project, THE NORTHERN ONTARIO BLACK METAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY. The two tracks are from the debut vinyl release entitled Future Northern Prosperity.

Both songs were performed by Gold and former Woods Of Ypres bassist Aaron Palmer (Against The Seasons). The first track was penned by Gold, the second by Palmer; they play drums on each other's work. Both tracks are intended to be listened to through ipods midst midnight fixed gear bike rides through the industrial sectors of town.

I can't even be arsed to listen to this shit, somebody tell me how it is*.

*Don't bother.
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Both tracks are intended to be listened to through ipods midst midnight fixed gear bike rides through the industrial sectors of town.

Dear Folks,

After 8 long years of pushing forward, recording five albums and going on multiple tours as an independent band, we are very proud to announce that we have finally signed WOODS OF YPRES to Earache Records. To address the rumours (some that we ran with and some that we started ourselves), WOODS OF YPRES never actually broke up/disbanded/quit/ended, at all. I'll explain. We just released the massive W4: The GREEN Album last year (not even a year ago yet!) in late 2009, toured North America this past summer and then in August, we recorded our fifth album, Woods 5: "You Were the Light". We've always been gluttons for pain and punishment in this band, and we've put ourselves through some hellishly busy years while keeping this band alive (not even considering all the side projects the guys and I have done during the same time!), and being the black and 'true doom' artists that we are, we simply couldn't resist the urge to take advantage of the opportunity to experiment with the drama and reaction to the news that we finally, unexpectedly and mysteriously decided to give up after all this time, after all that momentum, after coming this far. Putting an end to WOODS OF YPRES, after all it's been through, would be the saddest and most unfair thing we could ever do to this band and our supporters. Also, I think it was important for us, the band, to imagine and realize how it would feel, if it were true, if we did decide to finally call it quits when things were just starting to happen. Offering the news of our demise was also the most satisfying false sense of temporary satisfaction we could possibly give to our many haters who've been hoping that we'd finally quit for years, of whose lost spirits we can now continue to crush with the announcement of our signing to the mighty Earache Records! So, WOODS OF YPRES never broke up, and we are in fact, finally, stronger than ever. However, at the end of August of this year, I did move to Kuwait for work. I am here now, in the desert, working. When I come home (maybe sooner than expected), we will finally have the opportunity for a fresh start in which to start a new era of the band and redefine the WOODS OF YPRES sound! W5 is the end of our "indy" career and also the start of our "pro" career with Earache. The opportunity to write and record W6 in collaboration with Earache is the most exciting opportunity this band has ever had and I can already say that it will be our finest work. In the meantime, we intend to tour, hard, everywhere! Contact your local promoters and tell them to bring us to town! This band will never quit, now. All the best is still yet to come. On behalf of the band, Evan, Shane and Joel, thank you for all your kind wishes of congratulations now, and especially for all your support and encouragement throughout these last eight years!

More news soon!


Translation: Holy fuck we're self-absorbed pretentious cunts, now buy our shit.

That whole schtick lost me from even giving the band another chance with w5. It's WITTR all over again.
Aye. Black Cascade is a respectable output, whereas The Green Album is an abortion to the senses. I don't want to slag DG too much, as he was a really affable fellow when I made his acquaintance, however these e-publicity stunts and artsy hipster photo shoots, just reek of an attention whore seeking popularity. Perhaps the WotA lads were right about this midnight rider?
Those NOBMPMS tracks are better than this shit though. When I first set my ears on the Green Album I thought it was some elaborate internet hoax.

I said, "What about this, what about that? She said, "What about this, what about that?" I said, "What the hell is this? What the hell is that?"

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Those NOBMPMS tracks are better than this shit though. When I first set my ears on the Green Album I thought it was some elaborate internet hoax.

I said, "What about this, what about that? She said, "What about this, what about that?" I said, "What the hell is this? What the hell is that?"

Holy donkeyfuck that's some bad music. Worse than the worst Tiamat offenses, even. This is so painful that I've got to hear the rest. Shame. DG seems like an ace guy (sent me a nice note and such when I ordered the demo). Also, it's hard to believe I started this thread almost seven fucking years ago.
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hahaha, this is pretty memorable at least.
not familiar with this bands prior stuff but I heard worse tree hugging music.

it almost sounds like they are trying to capitalize on the demise of TON somehow ... it reminds me a bit of them but with stupid lyrics.
Dude, this is way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way worse than Type O Negative.
but really I can see this stuff selling ... with Earache's distribution they will be rockstars and eating cheesteaks at Pat's in no time.
Dave's been a huge Type O and Amorphis fan for a loooong time, so those types of influences don't surprise me. I can't stomach this band post-Pursuing the Sun at all, and those NOBMPS tracks were certainly some kinda BS... trying THAT hard to sound like Against the Seasons and still fucking it up with bits that are straight outta Woods 3-4. Ah well. Dave's always been good to me, and always handled criticism in an honorable way. Nothing against the guy personally.
The third one grew on me in a poppy sort of way, it's pretty upbeat & feel good. Don't know if that's what he was going for? The lyrics are very inconsistent and even laughable at times, "black metal warrior"? But, it's not devoid of merit.
I used to listen to it from time to time, yeah, but its never gonna keep me coming back. Pursuit of the Sun has a place in my rotation every year as the leaves start to turn. There are some great songs on that disc. Shedding the Deadwood will never get old, loved it since the pre-album version was posted in this thread.

The live lineup back then put on a very solid show, as I'm sure you and Mike remember! I still say they were at their best with Dave on drums in the earlier lineups.
you know, i always praise honesty as being possibly the most important aspect in music and art in general, but recent woods of ypres is proof positive that honesty just isn't enough to make something worthwhile

it's straight up, but it's straight up stupid and bad
The live lineup back then put on a very solid show, as I'm sure you and Mike remember! I still say they were at their best with Dave on drums in the earlier lineups.

They were, no doubt about it.. and we never even saw the original windsor lineup.
The first track is heh, better than the last album by the simple fact that I didn't yak like Charlie Day after swallowing a bottle of blood caps. Pretty generic, listening to the second track now... heh splurt, splork, who gives a shit anymore?

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