The Olympics

What the fuck??? They fucking cut that cat's head off while it's still alive! Fucking Chinese cunts! Death to the lot of em! (Referring to the video posted by Phelice).
I'd kill a Human before an animal. (As long as i could get away with it & it came to that hah).

I yell at strangers i dont know if they're hittin they're dog or treating it like shit, trying to make it their fucken robot. Fucking hate that shit. Luckily i havent seen it happen in a while coz next time it does ill belt the cunt if they belt their dog/pet.

My pet hate when it comes to killing animals, is when a shark or Crocodile eat someone then they destroy it.

I have way to many views on this sorta i'll leave it at that.

Call me a pansy, but i aint watching that you tube video. Ill watch executions before i watch that shit.
Fucking Chinese, not letting people stand on the side of the road to watch the cycling. The only people that were allowed to watch it were a few Chinese VIP and most of the cunts were asleep. Fuckwits.
I'm going to have to agree with V-man on this one. I could kill a human with less guilt than an animal.
I once called the animal police on my neighbor who was dragging his puppy on the street. Poor little fella had his bum on the ground and this assfuck kept on dragging him. GRRR
I can't even watch Animal Planet cuz the horrid things that are shown on their show Animal Police makes me sick to my stomach.
Only animal I could kill besides man is a snake. *shudders* hate snakes.
I hate man too. :heh::heh:
<3 that word Fuckwit! I'm stealing that one.
The Olympics are awesome, although I really only watch the winter Olympics--which are awesome. Especially Hockey. :worship:

well i love olympics but i think its being held in a wrong country, china is just bad against human and animal rights!

hears lots of stories that are just sad.....

I don't get that. Srsly, I don't. You go to any country at all, and then you get to china and insult them, as if it will do anything. Yes, commies are bad. Yes, they do have cruelty. But damn, there are good people there. It's a huge country. Personally, I see why to hate the country. I do too. But, the world is global, and we must be able to come along with everyone. The Olympics isn't just for democratic countries who have big sticks in their arse.

I have never been to China, but I think this boycotting thing is old and really really stupid
Really? Surprised to hear you say that when most of the countries in the world hate Americans.
Not all of us are bad.

Really? Weird, all I know is that most of my friends and people I know hate the American GOVERNMENT, not "Americans". Don't get butthurt because we make fun of you. Personally, the cheap stuff there is pretty brilliant. "WE CAN HATE THEM CUZ THEY HATE US". One step into a better world!

Oh, and I never heard much commotion when the Olympics were held there. Although, there are plenty to make if you really want to dig into it.

The only point I was saying, in case you did not understand, is that not holding the Olympics in China is fucking stupid. And you're excuse of "everyone hates us" is bloody stupid.
Hate the government, but the ones who vote them into office are also worthy of ire and must bear responsibility for their actions. Generally, if one presents one's self in a palatable manner to international sensibilities i.e. writing properly, and when speaking using an 'indoor' voice, one is generally granted a reprieve. However, to those over-weight non-thinking cowboy-wannabes, I would just as soon send them all to the South-West and sell it back to Mexico in exchange for free oil, and let them be harassed by El Jeffe :lol:
Fenrisúlfr;7506690 said:
Haha...the country is a past bitch of England, future bitch of China. :lol:

That...and you have to pay tax, who's buggered now you bald sheep-shagger?

paying taxes is a necessity in any country


you're a stupid cunt cause it's the Kiwi's that shag sheep :lol:
Really? Weird, all I know is that most of my friends and people I know hate the American GOVERNMENT, not "Americans". Don't get butthurt because we make fun of you. Personally, the cheap stuff there is pretty brilliant. "WE CAN HATE THEM CUZ THEY HATE US". One step into a better world!

Oh, and I never heard much commotion when the Olympics were held there. Although, there are plenty to make if you really want to dig into it.

The only point I was saying, in case you did not understand, is that not holding the Olympics in China is fucking stupid. And you're excuse of "everyone hates us" is bloody stupid.

I'm not going to bother, what I have to say is pretty rude.