The Olympics


May 31, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
GO THE FUCKING AUSSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck the Olympics! It's all fucking commercialised bullshit. Everyone tries to make money off it. Weather its Maccas, or other food companies having Olympic competitions to try and earn an extr quick buck during this period of boring Channel 7 TV.

I mean sure, some of its good to watch, but fuck it shits me how many cunts jump on the band wagon for it.

Bah. Thats my Bitch. But none the less, COME ON AUSTRIA!......i mean Australia.
Fuck the Olympics! It's all fucking commercialised bullshit. Everyone tries to make money off it. Weather its Maccas, or other food companies having Olympic competitions to try and earn an extr quick buck during this period of boring Channel 7 TV.

I mean sure, some of its good to watch, but fuck it shits me how many cunts jump on the band wagon for it.

Bah. Thats my Bitch. But none the less, COME ON AUSTRIA!......i mean Australia.


Homie your such a cunt! :p
Man Olympics are great! I was lucky enough to work in a hotel during the Winter Olympics during 2002 in Utah. Was awesome!! I met many people from around the world. Got a bunch of free tickets too ;)
Seeing skiing events live was awesomeness!
That's all I got to see though, I did work a lot during that time frame.
I agree it is really commercial. Fucking McDonalds had a substation every four feet.
The spirit behind the games is still beautiful. Opening ceremonies are shit though, they had a big thing with the Native Americans, personally I think it made them look more like a sideshow attraction for dickheads that still feel guilty.
There's my bitch. :heh:
Fuck the Olympics! It's all fucking commercialised bullshit. Everyone tries to make money off it. Weather its Maccas, or other food companies having Olympic competitions to try and earn an extr quick buck during this period of boring Channel 7 TV.

I mean sure, some of its good to watch, but fuck it shits me how many cunts jump on the band wagon for it.

Bah. Thats my Bitch. But none the less, COME ON AUSTRIA!......i mean Australia.

you're such a leftie Vaughan. next you'll be telling us not to eat meat, plant a tree and do a rain dance!


haha to this day i still say that, damn you for putting it into my head! :lol:
ROFL not advised to start trouble with the angry Aussie.

Even I would run if I pissed off Gaz! :p

Speaking of, Gaz can you send me an Aussie flag when you send the shirt? PLEASE!
i went to a friend's and he had it on, only the opening ceremony. and it was amazing. other than that i HATE sports. they're very over rated, imo. but to see that it is possible for all countries to come together even for 1 event and not be fighting and crap is a good hope for the future, imo.

i don't really care who wins what medals, it's trivial anyway. (well to me) hahaha.
Tibet will get more medals than Australia...and Tibet does not send a delegation to the Olympics.


Australia sucks :lol::lol::lol: it's still England's bitch after all these years.

mother fucker! another yank i must terminate! :lol:

the only connection we have to England is the Governor-General - he's (soon to be a woman for the first time) the Queen's representative...they serve no real purpose apart from certifying and rubber stamping the Prime Minister's request for an election. I could go on further and go into the legalities of it all such as the Australia Act 1986, but I cbf'd cause I'm about to launch into some serious Property Law study. hahaha.:headbang::headbang::headbang:

Australia is pretty much a republic, but we only hold that 'formal' tie to England...English laws (laws the operate in the UK) and directives from the Queen have no bearing on us...

wrong country bro! lol!
FUck that i say eat as much meat as you want! Im a leftie coz i reckon the Olympics are a crock of shit? C'mon man, u know know thats just a comment waiting to get shut down!! haha.

Although i fucking cant stand it, working in a supermarket, u get to realise how much shit goes to waste & wasting meat is wrong, but eating it aint.
Alright I don't really care for the Olympics. If it's on then it's on and no complaints from me BUT I have to say I was walking past the TV when my bro was watching the opening ceremony and I stayed to watch it. HOLY SHIT! It's like haven't the Chinese already out smarted the fuckn rest of us!? They honestly make the world look stupid with their technology haha