The Olympics

I'm not going to bother, what I have to say is pretty rude.

i personally only like to watch the olympics for hockey... GO CZECH! :)

its not just china that does that shit to animals... yes they do it more but fuck half of the asian countries do it... and its just fucking ridiculous and sick... i love my dogs... if anyone ever killed one of them i would kill them!
哎呀!我喜歡吃貓肉和狗肉! :heh:
(I've eaten dog. Don't go there)

paying taxes is a necessity in any country

You're a friggin' law student, you should know about tax shelters by now :lol: NOOOOOB
Billiards/SNooker would be way better in the Olympics than Table Tennis. & It fucking shits me how Australia is doing fuck all this time round so whenver a Gold medal is won, they reply the fucking race/event over & over.

Complete Dog shit. Thank fuck for a huge dvd collection.
Billiards/SNooker would be way better in the Olympics than Table Tennis. & It fucking shits me how Australia is doing fuck all this time round so whenver a Gold medal is won, they reply the fucking race/event over & over.

Complete Dog shit. Thank fuck for a huge dvd collection.

lol Homie, next time READ my post. I said pocket pool!!!
Although I do agree billiards/snooker takes a hell of a lot of practice! I used to be on a woman's 9ball team and an 8ball team. I practiced like 5hours a day.
Fuckin Oath George, Animal creulty is everywhere, the main reason the Flaming of asian countries in particular for it, was the matter of the Chinese government slaughtering all stray cats & dogs to keep the streets cleaner to make their country look a bit more "respectable" while the O-limp-dicks is on. Dam man, i even get pissed off working in a supermarket, witnessing how much meat they throw away because it doesnt sell, t'is a fucking waste of meat & animal life. Then again they dont care becasue they get credited for it. Cunts.

& Rhonda! Fuck yeh, someone who'll be able to gimmie some decent games of pool in Germany!! I used to play all the time, up to 8 hours a day if i had the day off school haha, but since i moved to my new house (2 years ago) i havent been playin much at all. We had no room to set the pool table up in this house :( So its up at the holiday house, bah!

& Pocket pool is such a pansy term :p Just say Pool
Pocket Pool - To stick your hand in your pocket and scratch your balls.

ex. "Hey, man, that girl's lookin' at you -- you better stop playin' pocket pool!"
Ok, I need to vent just because I am in the worst mood I can remember in a long time.

I am being a racist cunt when it comes to this shit. They're cruelty has been going on for a long time. What they have done to say pugs makes me sick to my stomach. Breaking their noses and putting them in small cages for centuries to make them look flat nosed and small. They basically treated the dog the most cruelty possible to make the animal look the way they wanted to. .
Whaling, seal clubbing, is doesn't matter. If you are cruel to someone or something that cannot defend themselves, you are a prick. IMHO don't deserve life. How big does it make you feel to hurt something that can't fight back?
I see this often in life as well, and not just with animals. Men who beat up on weaker women. If I see that I'll lose it. I have before. I beat up a military guy on base for doing just that. He was a big prick, smacking around a little girl who could not or would not defend herself. I went nuts, forced my ex husband to stop the car, jumped out and pushed this prick across the street. To get him away from her, told my husband to get her to the bar, and went on to beat the shit out of him. In front of all his friends. I called him every name in the book I could think of that had something to do with the word "pussy", as I beat his fucking ass. He was more than a foot taller than me, and had at least a good 50lbs on me. Didn't stop or scare me though. Instead I just proved to him, that big things come in small packages and the bigger you are the harder you fall. I have a bad temper no doubt, and it really wasn't my business to get involved in this. But to see a big man smack down a small girl made me see red. I will hurt anyone I see beating up on someone or something that cannot defend itself, whether it's an animal or a small dumb blonde who doesn't know any better than to date a man that hits her.
I'm not prejudice at all, I hate EVERYONE no matter what race, colour, sex or creed you are. Most of humanity are worthless cunts imo.
In fact I am so mad about work (and some personal shit that's breaking my heart.), I need to hit someone or something right now. Sadly I have to smile and pretend like I am fucking happy. When I am not. No matter though, I will press on and get through this. Perseverance, FTW.
Maybe I should try and find a boxing gym or something, hit people on purpose and just get better at it while I vent my fustrations.

@ V-man Shit man I haven't played but like twice in like 1yr. I will have to get out more soon and practice so you don't make a fool out of me, lol.

Sorry to vent all, as you can tell I am in a REALLY bad mood.:mad:
Ok, I need to vent just because I am in the worst mood I can remember in a long time.

I am being a racist cunt when it comes to this shit. They're cruelty has been going on for a long time. What they have done to say pugs makes me sick to my stomach. Breaking their noses and putting them in small cages for centuries to make them look flat nosed and small. They basically treated the dog the most cruelty possible to make the animal look the way they wanted to. .
Whaling, seal clubbing, is doesn't matter. If you are cruel to someone or something that cannot defend themselves, you are a prick. IMHO don't deserve life. How big does it make you feel to hurt something that can't fight back?
I see this often in life as well, and not just with animals. Men who beat up on weaker women. If I see that I'll lose it. I have before. I beat up a military guy on base for doing just that. He was a big prick, smacking around a little girl who could not or would not defend herself. I went nuts, forced my ex husband to stop the car, jumped out and pushed this prick across the street. To get him away from her, told my husband to get her to the bar, and went on to beat the shit out of him. In front of all his friends. I called him every name in the book I could think of that had something to do with the word "pussy", as I beat his fucking ass. He was more than a foot taller than me, and had at least a good 50lbs on me. Didn't stop or scare me though. Instead I just proved to him, that big things come in small packages and the bigger you are the harder you fall. I have a bad temper no doubt, and it really wasn't my business to get involved in this. But to see a big man smack down a small girl made me see red. I will hurt anyone I see beating up on someone or something that cannot defend itself, whether it's an animal or a small dumb blonde who doesn't know any better than to date a man that hits her.
I'm not prejudice at all, I hate EVERYONE no matter what race, colour, sex or creed you are. Most of humanity are worthless cunts imo.
In fact I am so mad about work (and some personal shit that's breaking my heart.), I need to hit someone or something right now. Sadly I have to smile and pretend like I am fucking happy. When I am not. No matter though, I will press on and get through this. Perseverance, FTW.
Maybe I should try and find a boxing gym or something, hit people on purpose and just get better at it while I vent my fustrations.

@ V-man Shit man I haven't played but like twice in like 1yr. I will have to get out more soon and practice so you don't make a fool out of me, lol.

Sorry to vent all, as you can tell I am in a REALLY bad mood.:mad:

i like you :)
i feel exactly the same way about ppl bigger then others hurting others
Ok, I need to vent just because I am in the worst mood I can remember in a long time.

I am being a racist cunt when it comes to this shit. They're cruelty has been going on for a long time. What they have done to say pugs makes me sick to my stomach. Breaking their noses and putting them in small cages for centuries to make them look flat nosed and small. They basically treated the dog the most cruelty possible to make the animal look the way they wanted to. .
Whaling, seal clubbing, is doesn't matter. If you are cruel to someone or something that cannot defend themselves, you are a prick. IMHO don't deserve life. How big does it make you feel to hurt something that can't fight back?
I see this often in life as well, and not just with animals. Men who beat up on weaker women. If I see that I'll lose it. I have before. I beat up a military guy on base for doing just that. He was a big prick, smacking around a little girl who could not or would not defend herself. I went nuts, forced my ex husband to stop the car, jumped out and pushed this prick across the street. To get him away from her, told my husband to get her to the bar, and went on to beat the shit out of him. In front of all his friends. I called him every name in the book I could think of that had something to do with the word "pussy", as I beat his fucking ass. He was more than a foot taller than me, and had at least a good 50lbs on me. Didn't stop or scare me though. Instead I just proved to him, that big things come in small packages and the bigger you are the harder you fall. I have a bad temper no doubt, and it really wasn't my business to get involved in this. But to see a big man smack down a small girl made me see red. I will hurt anyone I see beating up on someone or something that cannot defend itself, whether it's an animal or a small dumb blonde who doesn't know any better than to date a man that hits her.
I'm not prejudice at all, I hate EVERYONE no matter what race, colour, sex or creed you are. Most of humanity are worthless cunts imo.
In fact I am so mad about work (and some personal shit that's breaking my heart.), I need to hit someone or something right now. Sadly I have to smile and pretend like I am fucking happy. When I am not. No matter though, I will press on and get through this. Perseverance, FTW.
Maybe I should try and find a boxing gym or something, hit people on purpose and just get better at it while I vent my fustrations.

@ V-man Shit man I haven't played but like twice in like 1yr. I will have to get out more soon and practice so you don't make a fool out of me, lol.

Sorry to vent all, as you can tell I am in a REALLY bad mood.:mad:

Nothing else to say about. I think you got a lot of people, me included, in this Forum standing behind you and having the same opinion about those people. ok, actually standing behind you, in mind, but you know what i mean ^^
TABLE TENNIS has become an Olympic sport??? Fuck, i really think i've heard it all now.

What's next, hot-dog eating contests??? :loco:

That'll just give China another gold medal since they have Kobe Yashi.

It was pretty fucking funny dude when I was in London I went downstairs at like 2 in the morning to get a usual midnight snack and on the plasma screen they had this table tennis tournament going on and in the end it was like China, Japan, and Korea that placed in the top three hahahah