The One Thing You Like Best


Feb 2, 2005
Hello I'm new here (first post) but have been to the last 3 PP Shows. And have been reading everyones posts and thoughts for two years. I was wondering what is everyones absolute ONE they like about the weekend?
For me it's the exclusitivity of being in such a small "cult" to attend the show.
Nice hall setting with seats AND an open area to stand, if you want. Clean, air-conditioned environment with an opportunity to chill out and watch some highly talented bands.

Plus Atlanta is a really nice city.

The talking part isn't a big perk for me personally though. I do enough of that every week.
I enjoy the comraderie of being around other people that share my tastes in music as well as getting to see 10 bands in a perfectly sized venue. I guess that's two things as opposed to one, but those two things are the main part of PP that makes me enjoy it so immensely.

Bryant said:
I enjoy the comraderie of being around other people that share my tastes in music as well as getting to see 10 bands in a perfectly sized venue. I guess that's two things as opposed to one, but those two things are the main part of PP that makes me enjoy it so immensely.

Couldn't have said it better myself, Bryant. Those 2 things are what will make me come back to ProgPower every year, and keep me thinking about it all year long. :cool:
Walter_Langkowski said:
Nice hall setting with seats AND an open area to stand, if you want. Clean, air-conditioned environment with an opportunity to chill out and watch some highly talented bands.

This is even more true than it sounds -- Earthlink Live is one of the few venues I've ever seen where the air conditioning really works and the management doesn't mind actually turning it on. There were times last year when I was entering the actual concert hall part of Earthlink and thought in wonder, "Wow, even with a lot of people in here, the temperature is cooler in here than Out There!"

Plus Atlanta is a really nice city.

Decent place to live, but I've always figured it was a lousy place to visit, being a resident. :)

The talking part isn't a big perk for me personally though. I do enough of that every week.

For me, it is important, because it's cool to actually meet friends in person who I've only ever known through the Internet. And, as Bryan said, that feeling of camaraderie just can't be beat. There are a wide diversity of metal fans in attendance (just look at the t-shirts you see every year), but we're all there for one overriding reason: we like to see music, well-played. We enjoy seeing talented musicians, and music played for the sake of the art and not for the mainstream. If we have to dig a bit deeper and search a little farther to find that talent, and that sets us apart from other music fans, then so be it. I don't know if I'd call it a cult, and we're not necessarily "better" than other music fans, but it's nice to be amongst other folks who, while they might have walked a different path to get to it, share the same road as we do.
If I had to pick one it would be the venue. Earthlink Live (formerly Center Stage Theater) is the perfect place for these bands to play. The length of the sets is a major plus also...and the in/out priveleges with proximity to hotels is wonderful....and the elite audience. Damn. You can't take just one. Last year was my first PP. I won't miss another one. I hope the hotel situation this year takes care of itself however.
For me is plain and simple

The opportunity to see how much Glenn fucking cares about us, fans of Prog and Power metal. He busts his fucking ass every year to bring us only the BEST of the BEST in those genres, and even though everyone knows it's Glenn's show he does it for us, otherwise he'd have the bands coming and playing at his porch, while he bangs his head by himself and gets drunk like a bitch... (Lol don't take it serious Glenn)...

Plus, the opportunity to have your dream come true seeing that band that you thought would never play in this country. Once again, thanks to Glenn!
Yeah, I like the idea of being one (1) of about 1100 people that get to go down to Atlanta and check out some of the best Prog/Power Metal bands from all over the world. Some even making their US debuts! The drive down, the perks (meeting bands), the vendors, the people, and Atlanta itself... All in all its a great time...

I wanna go back now!!!!!!!
I can't believe none of you horny metal fans has mentioned the bartender yet!

For me ... it's probably ... the ... I don't know... of one thing. Let me think more!
The music, plain and simple. The venue's great, and the festival's local to me, and meeting online friends is cool, and the staff (with the possible exception of security) are cool and friendly, and Glenn is DA MAN for all the hard work he does every year...but it's the bands that make it for me. Through PP USA I've gotten the chance to see several bands I love that never, ever tour the US (or have embarked on their first tour, starting with PP).

The atmosphere is nice. The music is EVERYTHING.

(That's actually one of the few problems I have with the festival -- no time for socializing because I watch damn near every minute of every band, every year).
