The One Thing You Like Best

Bad Girl Tess said:
I can't believe none of you horny metal fans has mentioned the bartender yet!

For me ... it's probably ... the ... I don't know... of one thing. Let me think more!

Okay I decided ....
The chinese food at 3 am and falling asleep with fried rice to then wake up to fried rice in bed. Yummy :yuk:
I go for the accessory chicks. I admire their dedication. One chick had a shirt on last year that said fuck something. I don't remember what something was. I just mentally filled in "me" and enjoyed it for that. You know they make him listen to Sarah McLachlan and Jewel all the way back home.

And the fashion tips. Last year it was the wallet chains. I thought that only truckers used them. One guy was wearing an outfit that was nothing but wallet chains. And he had an accessory chick. I don't remember what she was wearning.

And the nerds are cool too. They sit up at the top and don't move the entire night. They're the guys wearing the dumbass shirts with Christopher Lee on them. Last year they stood up and swayed all thru Pain of Salvation. That was weird.

Basically, I go to make sociological observations. I'm still sorry that I missed the crying section at the Blind Guardian set.

The music is just a bonus.
The fact that a full two days of some of the best metal is practicaly down the street form me(I live in Atlanta) in a clean, friendly, environment with tons of people who share the same interests as me.
For me... it's the ULTIMATE vacation! I mean it! Just think about it.... no family, no coworkers, no dumbass friends who keep telling you "Turn that shit down, can't you listen to anything on the radio?"

I mean... we all take vacations, right? We all get vacation time from work. But I've dedicated the same time each year, knowing I'll have the single best experience each year. It's a Metal Vacation! National Lampoon's Metal Vacation! Bill and Ted's Excellent Vacation! I get away from everything, and just submerge myself in that which keeps me alive.... LIVE ROCK N ROLL!

12-1/2 hours of driving, and jamming tunes in what I consider one of the better sounding car stereos (mine!) and spinning everything and anything we've got without interuptions. Talking music with other people who get as hyper and excited about it as I do. Wearing my neck out like a bobblehead from 7+ straight hours of fowking fjoory, two days in a row! And then driving home with oodles and oodles of new music to fill the 12-1/2 hours back, cuz those fuckers with the CD tables just taaaake my money... :headbang:

It's a Metal Vacation. That's truly what it is. I mean, the only thing better than this, could only be making a Euro Trip to the Wacken Open Air Festival! That's the only other thing that could top this for me. And even then, I feel so much more pride, knowing we get to do this in the good ol' U.S. of A.

God Bless Glenn.
Well, although it's hard to pick just one thing since PP has so many great things about it... Even if I didn't particularly like any of the bands, I'd still go, so I guess I'd have to say the camaraderie... of course, the venue and the bands themselves have a big part of that. It's really the fact that ProgPower USA is an "experience" in the truest, most inclusive sense of the word.

Of course, telling people who asked about a particular picture when I showed them, "Um, that's Metal Rose. That's what she goes by--just Metal Rose" was fun, too. :)

Many good points, definately the atmosphere is great. It would probably not be as 'fan friendly' if the style of metal at PP were different, except maybe goth metal. The fans of the bands who play PP to me are the best of the best.

Pellaz said:
This is even more true than it sounds -- Earthlink Live is one of the few venues I've ever seen where the air conditioning really works and the management doesn't mind actually turning it on. There were times last year when I was entering the actual concert hall part of Earthlink and thought in wonder, "Wow, even with a lot of people in here, the temperature is cooler in here than Out There!"

Decent place to live, but I've always figured it was a lousy place to visit, being a resident. :)

For me, it is important, because it's cool to actually meet friends in person who I've only ever known through the Internet. And, as Bryan said, that feeling of camaraderie just can't be beat. There are a wide diversity of metal fans in attendance (just look at the t-shirts you see every year), but we're all there for one overriding reason: we like to see music, well-played. We enjoy seeing talented musicians, and music played for the sake of the art and not for the mainstream. If we have to dig a bit deeper and search a little farther to find that talent, and that sets us apart from other music fans, then so be it. I don't know if I'd call it a cult, and we're not necessarily "better" than other music fans, but it's nice to be amongst other folks who, while they might have walked a different path to get to it, share the same road as we do.
LadySteele said:
what Bryan above said, and whomever also referred to it as "The DisneyLand of Metal".- however, our road trip isn't as long as yours. ...Taking I-75 south anyone?....

AAAALLL the way south. Heh heh.

Ya know what? People... we oughta make up BUMPER STICKERS so that you can get your ProgPower6 sticker stuck on your car for the trip to Atlanta! Or perhaps a vinyl window sticker!

Glenn, with your permission, can I take your ProgPower6 logo (when you've made it up) and take it to a vinyl sign shop so people can have a window sticker made? It'll be like painting up your car while going to the college football game, or high school graduation day! Spot a fellow ProgPower car, blast that horn!

Ooo... I don't care what Glenn says.. I'm doing it now....
For me it's the fellowship of finding other prog lovers. Seeing the bands that I would never have a chance to see unless I lived in Germany. The sense of homecoming I feel every year arriving down in Atlanta. You all are my "family of choice"!

Meeting new people every year...It's pure bliss.

Christians should study/observe us, maybe they'd learn how to treat people (giggle).
I know I will cheat and not stop at one thing.

I travel to various metal fests of differing genres each year ranging from Maryland death fest to Toronto's northern lights fest to Progpower. I will start going to various Euro fests ranging from Czech republics Obscene extreme to Wacken to Party San, Summer breeze, infernal fest, or anything that might have the killer lineup for that particular year.

For me, there is a combination of things I enjoy about my metalfest weekends.

1. I love seeing bands performing rare sets who I might not get to see on tour.

2. I love meeting my friends from all over the globe as the fests serve as a yearly highschool reunion like atmosphere for me.

3. I love being on vacation as most fests are held in cool cities where I can see stuff(especially in euro cities) !

:wave: :Spin: