The Onion


May 28, 2004
Does anyone else here read The Onion?
I just saw this article on Blabbermouth that sounds just like something that would be on the Onion.... except this is legit! Cracks me up...

DISSECTION Mainman: We Are Not Racist, Just Satanic - Jan. 31, 2005

Guitarist/vocalist Jon Nödtveidt of the reactivated Swedish death metallers DISSECTION has issued the following statement via the group's official web site:

"There have been rumors and allegations surrounding the band and I, we want our fans to know and to make it a point that it is not and never has been part of our policy or philosophy to be a part of racism and what it stands for. DISSECTION is a SATANIC band and the REBIRTH OF DISSECTION tour is our focus into bringing all our ANTI-COSMIC METAL OF DEATH!"
wdiv said:
DISSECTION Mainman: We Are Not Just Not Cheezily Overdramatic, We're tr00 - Jan. 31, 2005

Guitarist/vocalist Jon Nödtveidt of the reactivated Swedish death metallers DISSECTION has issued the following statement via the group's official web site:

