Dave Mustaine vs Satanists (This gets funny!!!)

Now now Bryant, we all know it's me you're angry at just because I pissed you off, not the Swedish satanists, whom are very great people, with great logos. No need to kill the entire Swedish population just because I make you furiously angry.
Pellaz said:
Interestingly, the Church of Lucifer (as distinguished from other 'satanic' sects in the U.S., like the LaVeyans) is the only church I've heard of where they categorically, positively refuse to take your money. I know one member of the CoL, and he seems a helluva lot more stable than most alleged Christians I know. (Jim, I think you know him too.)

Maybe I do. But I have no idea who you're talking about. :p
Jim LotFP said:
... but the source we get this knowledge from is very biased. Not that I've ever been able to find anywhere in the Bible where Satan does anything EVIL.

But if the Bible was ever proven to be correct and sides had to be chosen... well... then I would become a Satanist. Who wins in the end has no bearing on which side would be the right one.
actually there are quite a few cases. read the story of Job for starters.
Silent Song said:
actually there are quite a few cases. read the story of Job for starters.

Is that the one where God dares Satan to fuck with someone to prove someone's faith?

OK, Satan's a bit of a little bitch in that one, but directed by God.

bleh. Invisible people all suck.
you've got it backwards. Satan tells God look, you've given such a nice life to Job, thats why he worships you. take it away and see if he still does. and Job does.
Silent Song said:
you've got it backwards. Satan tells God look, you've given such a nice life to Job, thats why he worships you. take it away and see if he still does. and Job does.

God is such an asshole. First he told Abraham to sacrifice his son for him just to prove that he loves God more than his son, and now this. He took away everything from an undeserving man, just to piss off Satan. What an asshole. This is the reason why I'm a satanist. Satan wouldn't do that to me.
Pellaz said:
Interestingly, the Church of Lucifer (as distinguished from other 'satanic' sects in the U.S., like the LaVeyans) is the only church I've heard of where they categorically, positively refuse to take your money. I know one member of the CoL, and he seems a helluva lot more stable than most alleged Christians I know. (Jim, I think you know him too.)

Pellaz, I'm not quite following you here. Are you slamming Christians because we believe in tithing, or are you saying we can't manage money? Or both? Clear me up on this one, please.
Mattias of the Night said:
God is such an asshole. First he told Abraham to sacrifice his son for him just to prove that he loves God more than his son, and now this. He took away everything from an undeserving man, just to piss off Satan. What an asshole. This is the reason why I'm a satanist. Satan wouldn't do that to me.
i hope you're joking. if you want me to post both passages word for word, i will. you've got the wrong impression and i believe you've either misinterpreted it or been misinformed as to how it went down
Silent Song said:
i hope you're joking. if you want me to post both passages word for word, i will. you've got the wrong impression and i believe you've either misinterpreted it or been misinformed as to how it went down

There is not a chance I got this wrong! I have read a Swedish children's version of the bible, and it very distinctly said that God told Abraham to go to the mountains and sacrifice his child. God was jealous because Abraham loved it too much, so he had to check and see if Abraham loved his kid more than him. So he did as he was told, and just as Abraham was about to cut open his child and drink from his blood, God showed up and said "LOL, I kid I kid! You fell for it! LoloLOLO, just kidding, you don't need to sacrifice him, loooool! OK you can go home now Abraham! I'll see you tomorrow for more fun and games!", and Abraham goes "Uh... heh, heh, yeah... Good one, God. You so funny... See you..." See? Total ASSHOLE! If I played a practical joke like this on you, would you not consider me an asshole? Imagine how his child must have turned out after this experience!

As for the Job passage, I have only read what you have told me, and it is clear that God is an asshole from what you have said. I do not like assholes. Why can't we all just worship a nice guy? Like Glenn Harvestboy! Now there's a great guy who I would nominate for God!
now i know you must be kidding :)

God tested Abraham's faith. Abraham did as he said because he trusted God and knew God would not allow harm to come to his children, when God had previously said that a great nation would be his heirs through his son.

as for Job, if you didn't "get" it: Satan told God that Job only worshipped him because God gave him much material wealth and an easy life. God said no, he worships me because he believes in me and my goodness. so God took all he gave to Job away, and still Job worshipped him. God turned to Satan and basically said "see?". None of this would have happened if Satan had not brought up this vile accusation. moreso, the moral is material possession is nothing and happiness comes from within. Job had faith in God and with or without his stuff, he still believed.
Silent Song said:
as for Job, if you didn't "get" it: Satan told God that Job only worshipped him because God gave him much material wealth and an easy life. God said no, he worships me because he believes in me and my goodness. so God took all he gave to Job away, and still Job worshipped him. God turned to Satan and basically said "see?". None of this would have happened if Satan had not brought up this vile accusation. moreso, the moral is material possession is nothing and happiness comes from within. Job had faith in God and with or without his stuff, he still believed.

hhhmmm. This isn't how I interpreted it, but if this is the way it is, it makes God look worse and Satan look better than how I thought it went.

I had it as Satan challenging God as you stated, with God telling Satan do whatever you want to him but don't kill him, and we'll see. So Satan puts things into motion to kill livestock, destroy buildings, etc etc. Oh yeah, didn't PEOPLE die in these events as well? Just so God can be vain and prove people's love for him?

Frankly, if Job said "Yeah, fuck you God", in either scenario, he would have been perfectly justified. He didn't prove much except what a masochist he is.

Not to mention all this "stuff" isn't just "stuff". I didn't see in this particular area where Job got all this stuff to begin with. Did God just *poof* grant him all this stuff at some point? Did he inherit it? Or did Job work for all his wealth, where each of these 'unimportant' posessions represented hours of labor he had worked for them? And it's OK to just go *poof*, the result of your labor, all gone? Because they're not important? (not to mention the lives lost, which must be an OK sacrifice in the aim of proving love for God...)...

Or do I have it completely wrong?
Frankly, what is scaring me about this post is that we're talking about what was "said" by god and what the devil "does". I guess we're supposing for arguement's sake that the bible contains real and actual happenings?
edgeofthorns said:
Pellaz, I'm not quite following you here. Are you slamming Christians because we believe in tithing, or are you saying we can't manage money? Or both? Clear me up on this one, please.

I'm not saying either. Heck, I give to the St. Vincent de Paul Society through payroll deduction at work. (My mom has volunteered for them for years.)

I'm just noting that it's unusual for any church -- or any faith -- to decline its followers' financial support.

woosta said:
Frankly, what is scaring me about this post is that we're talking about what was "said" by god and what the devil "does". I guess we're supposing for arguement's sake that the bible contains real and actual happenings?

"Do you believe in the Bible?"

"Believe in it!? Hell, buddy, I've even seen one!"

Silent Song said:
now i know you must be kidding :)

God tested Abraham's faith. Abraham did as he said because he trusted God and knew God would not allow harm to come to his children, when God had previously said that a great nation would be his heirs through his son.

as for Job, if you didn't "get" it: Satan told God that Job only worshipped him because God gave him much material wealth and an easy life. God said no, he worships me because he believes in me and my goodness. so God took all he gave to Job away, and still Job worshipped him. God turned to Satan and basically said "see?". None of this would have happened if Satan had not brought up this vile accusation. moreso, the moral is material possession is nothing and happiness comes from within. Job had faith in God and with or without his stuff, he still believed.

Why does God always find the need to test everyone's faith? Is he really such an insecure cunt? If a man would tell his wife to sacrifice their child in order to "test her faith" towards him, he would be considered an asswipe. But not God. And if my dad would take away all the riches and crap he has given to me I'd kick his ass. He'd be a real asshole to send me out with nothing just to see if I still believed he existed. He'd especially be a mentally weak person if he found the need to do it just because of someone else's (let's say my mother's) "vile accusation". What kind of person can be so easily manipulated? God, apparently. He takes this "vile accusation" so hardly that he has to make one of his own children suffer because of it? Horrible. He's an asshole. Blaming this incident on satan (or in the real life example, my mother) is ludicrous, senseless, illogical and ignorant. Calling him "evil" because he made a "vile accusation" is even worse. God is the evil one, because he's always being such an asshole. God is truly the biggest asshole in the world. He obviously has psychological problems. Thank God he doesn't exist!