Dave Mustaine vs Satanists (This gets funny!!!)

dargormudshark said:
As for Jon's rants I think they are hilarious!
Exactly my original point, which some took offence to. When these black/satanic guys go on their rants they crack me up, or as I said earlier, they're really too much.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Actually, I believe in personal responsibility as well. I also believe in compassion, which is usually an uncommon trait for individuals that have your believe system (I'll assume it's the way Hannity swings).

You see, unlike you, I have a sense of reality, perspective, and experience with some of the worst situations people can have been through (a lot of it my own experience). I get a little frustrated when people make ill-assumed generalzations like (everything is your own fault). Yeah, A LOT of people's problems have come from their own inability to think for a second and decide to do the right thing. I'll agree with you there. But there also is a case where people have been victimized with no way to defend themselves at all. But their lot in life is their own problem, right? Even though you might have started twenty flights ahead of them in the stairwell race of life to success, it's their fault, right?

I'm sorry to tell you, but you sound so much like so many acquaintences of mine who happen to Republicans. The type who judge others lives and have a tendency to think that everyone is accountable for themselves. You know, how so-and-so type of people just want to leech of their tax money.

Yet these same guys are past the age of 30, live with their parent(s), pay less than $200 a month for rent (if at all), haven't had an ounce of responsibility in their lives, yet THEY want to judge anyone who they deem isn't up to THEIR level of respect. :erk: Please. Get out and live life and
try to know people who have had it rough beyond your darkest nightmares and then go and judge me. If you dare.

And just FYI, I swing Independant. Thanks for your time.
First off, you don't know what my belief system is and please don't presume to know my level of compassion for others.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people through no fault of their own, but the ones who decide, that even though I'm here by someone else's actions not my own, I will not let it determine my life's outcome for me just make me proud of my fellow human beings. The ones that give up and wallow in self-pity are the ones that do themselves a great disservice.

I am reminded of a story I just read about a girl who lost both arms and both legs in a horrible accident, not her fault. Instead of giving up and saying, "My life is over", she just graduated from college...UNC Willimington, I believe. She could've given up on life, and people wouldn't have blamed her one bit, but she saw that only she, not the one(s) who caused her situation, could determine her accomplishments. That is what I'm talking about. That is inspiration.

FYI, I am married, a home owner, and have done my share of living. I am 39 y/o and have been out in the 'real world' for a long, long time now.
Jim LotFP said:
Sorry if he wasn't the one who actually pulled the trigger. He helped. He may have blamed the actual gunshot on Vlad, but he admits to using a stun-gun/taser (who knows which with the translation) on the victim (who has a NAME- Josef Ben Maddour) immediately before the shot. AND Jon had the murder weapon ON HIM when he was arrested later. AND he is a grave desecrator and a grave robber (he'd talk about this in interviews years before his arrest, but it was all 'fun and games' then for the scene). That shit isn't cool whether you're a poor persecuted Satanist or not.

And the reason he got arrested was that his girlfriend called the cops after he beat her up.

Don't even act like he was sent to prison for no reason. Don't even.

I won't even
Bryan316 said:
Why would anyone want to WORSHIP the devil? Worship evil? Come on.

Even worse than that, worshipping the devil is like worshipping a slimy lawyer. In the Old Testament, the devil is more like a prosecuting attorney than some powerful lord of evil.

That's it - a black metal band should name themselves Bar Sinister.
Actually, true satanism is not a "worship the devil" thing so much. It's a belief in oneself and you creating your own direction in life free of oppression of any sort. It's natural and herbal, it's self preservation and aggression when someone violates your space. "The Devil" thing was created by the bible to justify god and the opposite of god. So why would someone practice this? Well, most people do already they just don't label it Satanism. A sort of thing where you DON'T turn the other cheek when someone strikes you; you strike back. I'm not a fan of Satanism as I find it's literature rather hokey for my tastes, but there are some good ideas buried in there.
Silent Song said:
while i respect Dave's move for christianity, i think he should play any and all gigs available. what better way to share his faith than play before/after a satanic band? if you ask me, face your enemies Dave. it's all the more reason *to* play the shows, not back down.

I agree with you Silent Song. I have 100% more respect for Dave now, than I did back when I was a kid, for this reason of him being a Christian! I hope that he stays persistent and focused, both with his beliefs and his music. I don't blame him for not wanting to put a satanic band on a festival that he's heading up, but I don't think he should shun away from playing other shows that may have some of these bands on a bill.
woosta said:
Actually, true satanism is not a "worship the devil" thing so much. It's a belief in oneself and you creating your own direction in life free of oppression of any sort. It's natural and herbal, it's self preservation and aggression when someone violates your space. "The Devil" thing was created by the bible to justify god and the opposite of god. So why would someone practice this? Well, most people do already they just don't label it Satanism. A sort of thing where you DON'T turn the other cheek when someone strikes you; you strike back. I'm not a fan of Satanism as I find it's literature rather hokey for my tastes, but there are some good ideas buried in there.

"True" Satanism was invented in the 60s, wasn't it? I'd hardly call that "true" unless you wrote a check to Mr. Lavey...
Well, "true" in the sense that it follows LeVay's "bible". Add to that some of the old Pagan practices of herbs and such and you have what I would call "true" satanism. Of course, that's just me. I'm sure there would be satanists and paganists and witches and whatever else to clarify the matter.
TRUE Satanism? Ya gotta be fuckin kidding me. Mixing herbs and nature, with aggression and anger and hatred, is the absolutely STOOOPIDESTEST thing I've ever heard. This isn't Dungeons and Dragons! This is a lifestyle and a belief! And it's as fictional and made up as the clothing trends from Hot Topic! Trying to tell me that Satanism is possibly a desirable and good thing, is like telling me you wanna get impaled on a stake for fun. It's stooopid. Practicing Wicca and Paganism and believing in the spiritual and healing powers of nature and the seasons and the earth, that's one thing. Trying to make hatred and anger and evil a new fad like musical trends, that's asinine and childish. Satanism is for kids who ate too much glue and never migrated from the playground mentality.

I'm gonna go to Sweden, build Satan's Bridge, and tell everyone that Lucifer himself commanded me to build it, so they can all JUMP OFF IT. We'll see just how big a chunk of Sweden's population is mentally deficient.
:lol: that made me laugh. i'd agree on most points too. my gripe with "satanism" is it is grounded on materialism and territorialism, which already practically govern the majority of society. thus, it is apparent that those who adhere to it are simply looking for excuses to get their hands dirty in desire and compulsive self-worshipping. in the end, they find themselves empty and wanting, since their greed will never be sated.
Satanism is a label given by the early Church to basically all pagan and atheist beliefs to attempt to scare them into converting to the "true religion." That having been said, anyone who worships Lucifer is a dumbass. The only knowlege anyone has of Satan is he is inherantly wrong, evil, weak, and in the end, he loses! Satanism is worse than betting on the U.S. Olympic Men's Hockey Team. You are fighting for a cause that has always lost and is getting weaker as time progresses. If you are going to ally yourself with one of the two Christian forces, why would you support the losing side on purpose? I could care less whether you believe in the Christian diety or not, but it is retarded to ally yourself with the pawn trying to play with God.
mitthrawnuruodo said:
The only knowlege anyone has of Satan is he is inherantly wrong, evil, weak, and in the end, he loses!

... but the source we get this knowledge from is very biased. Not that I've ever been able to find anywhere in the Bible where Satan does anything EVIL.

But if the Bible was ever proven to be correct and sides had to be chosen... well... then I would become a Satanist. Who wins in the end has no bearing on which side would be the right one.
Interestingly, the Church of Lucifer (as distinguished from other 'satanic' sects in the U.S., like the LaVeyans) is the only church I've heard of where they categorically, positively refuse to take your money. I know one member of the CoL, and he seems a helluva lot more stable than most alleged Christians I know. (Jim, I think you know him too.)