Dave Mustaine vs Satanists (This gets funny!!!)

actually, the book of Job shows God's fallibility. If God is supposed to be omniscient, then why didn't he KNOW Job would still have faith in him? Why did he have to do an experiment to prove it?
Hey Silent Song!

OK kid, if God is "not an asshole" as you so intelligently put it, please explain everything in these two links:



Thank you. I think this unbreakable proof that God is a bigger cunt than MetalRose, but I am curious to see your defense.

There are a few passages that I support, however, such as the ones I have copied below. This is how society should be even today, IMO. However, God is not mentioned in any of these writings and probably had nothing to do with them, so he's still an asshole.

[font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Legal rape of cunts:

According to Deuteronomy 22:28-29. a [font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]virgin female who was not engaged to be married and who was raped was required to marry her attacker, no matter what her feelings were towards the rapist. Most women would probably find it difficult to develop a love bond with the man and thus would have to submit to marital sexual activity against her will. That is, she had to accept being continually raped after she was married. [/font]

[font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]A man could become married by simply sexually attacking a woman that appealed to him, and paying his new father-in-law 50 shekels of silver. That payment would compensate the woman's father for the loss in value of one of his possessions: his daughter.[/font]


[font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]Passages relating to cunt slaves: [/font]

[font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]Exodus 21:4 indicates that a slave owner could assign one of his female slaves to one of his male slaves as a wife. There is no indication that women were consulted during this type of transaction.[/font] The arrangement would probably involve rape in most cases.

In the times of the Hebrew Scriptures, Israelite men were limited to serving as slaves for seven years; women were permanently enslaved.

When a male slave left his owner, the marriage would normally be terminated; his wife would stay behind, with any children that she had. He could elect to stay a slave if he wished.[/font]
metal71 said:
What the FUCK is so hard to understand? If you accept the Christian faith, then you reject the opposite. He's adopted a new lifestyle, and he's just standing up for what he believes in. That simple. I give the man credit. Personally, I think for any figure in metal to be openly Christian and back it up with deeds is extremely cool. That takes way more balls than any of these fruitcakes trying to out-evil each other with all their devil bullshit. Think about it - having the BALLS to stick out in the crowd regardless the criticism you receive. That's METAL. I hope others follow his lead and learn to speak their TRUE minds, and not play into all the image bullshit that's just as prevalent in metal as it is in pop. It's all just different packaging. Incidentally, Mustaine stated very clearly that he would be willing to drop Megadeth off any bill that presented a conflict of faith for him, rather than force the other band to do it. If the opposite happens, blame the promoters for kicking off the lesser of two bands, which after all, just makes sense. No one else will sell as many tickets as Megadeth.

I think it's pathetic that people can't relate at least on some level to what he's doing, be it religion or anything else. Does that mean no one else here feels strongly enough about any one thing in their life to draw a line in the sand to honor their own beliefs? Sad life.

Mustaine rules.

Hey, metal71, how about you shut the hell up you hypocrite.

So Daniel Gildenlow stands up for his beliefs and you want to beat him up until he dies, but Dave Mustaine stands up for his beliefs (he's not at a loss, he still gets to play the festival and get paid), he's some kind of hero? Sure, Dave Mustaine can say they're willing to drop off to save face, but he knows that no promoter is going to not cater to his every little whim.

I don't pretend to be objective or anything, but your bias is so apparent I don't even know why you're posting this stuff.
Bryan316 said:
Why would anyone want to WORSHIP the devil? Worship evil? Come on. There's a difference between loving scary movies and monsters and some rip-roaring Slayer or Iced Earth - and worshipping Evil as a way that you should live your life. Fuck that. Simply because of your lifestyle, I say fuck that. Worshipping the Devil, automatically makes you a Christian, for without the God-fearing definition of Satan, you have no Devil worshippers. Any form of Good vs Evil, if you worship Evil, then you praise and salute wrong-doings around the world. You revel in the hurt and torture and anguish of others. For that alone, you deserve one big fat crack across your skull. And preferably some loss of mental capacity and motor skills.

If you would worship Evil, something that is, by definition, WRONG, then you are worthless. And I ain't talking about these posers who think they're all Evil and Satanic. If you truly believe in and worship Evil, then you are worthless.

As far as I know, Dissection do not worship the devil. I know very few bands that even claim to do that.

To explain Satanism as briefly as possible, I would say it's Atheism on steroids. So the black metal scene as a whole represents Satanism, but does not represent devil worshipping. They are two different things, and FYI, what you said about people who do worship the devil, you're right. There is no organized group that worships an entity called the devil, and anyone who does it most likely has some kind of serious issues.

Not to be an ass, and I don't claim to be an expert or anything on Satanism, but Bryan316, you don't know anything about Satanism.
Barking Pumpkin said:
As far as I know, Dissection do not worship the devil. I know very few bands that even claim to do that.

No shit Sherlock, everyone knows this except Bryan. Don't talk to him. Ignore him. He's soooooo stooopid! I mean reeaaally dumb! A walking stupid thingy. His intelligence is so low that he makes women seem reasonably capable of logical thinking.
Originally posted by Barking Pumpkin
Hey, metal71, how about you shut the hell up you hypocrite.

So Daniel Gildenlow stands up for his beliefs and you want to beat him up until he dies, but Dave Mustaine stands up for his beliefs (he's not at a loss, he still gets to play the festival and get paid), he's some kind of hero? Sure, Dave Mustaine can say they're willing to drop off to save face, but he knows that no promoter is going to not cater to his every little whim.

Not to take sides or anything, but that's not a very valid argument. Just because someone supports one person standing up for his beliefs doesn't mean he has to support every belief in the world. Metal71 supports what he's passionate about and you support what you're passionate about. What's the problem here, man?
the point is, barking pumpkin argues that metal71 applauds Dave for "standing up for what Dave believes", but condemns Daniel for "standing up for what Daniel" believes, and in that respect, he is correct in calling metal71 hypocritical. the point has nothing to do with the nature of what those beliefs are, but to say one is entitled to defend his while another is not, is indeed hypocrisy.
DementiaGuitar said:
Not to take sides or anything, but that's not a very valid argument. Just because someone supports one person standing up for his beliefs doesn't mean he has to support every belief in the world. Metal71 supports what he's passionate about and you support what you're passionate about. What's the problem here, man?

Well.....metal71's quote from this topic:

metal71 said:
Think about it - having the BALLS to stick out in the crowd regardless the criticism you receive. That's METAL. I hope others follow his lead and learn to speak their TRUE minds, and not play into all the image bullshit that's just as prevalent in metal as it is in pop....I think it's pathetic that people can't relate at least on some level to what he's doing, be it religion or anything else. Does that mean no one else here feels strongly enough about any one thing in their life to draw a line in the sand to honor their own beliefs? Sad life.

So this is what he's talking about, how it's so great Mustaine is standing up for his beliefs.....yet just last night, he contradicted himself and said.....well, I'll just let him speak for himself....

metal71 said:
UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE. I've had so much of this 'principle' bullshit I'm about ready to puke. Fuck right off. If that pansy ass doesn't want to give his lousy fingerprints, then I'd like to know what the fuck he's hiding from. Get real. 19 hijackers on September 11th all used real, though illegally obtained driver's licenses. Those can be faked. Fingerprints cannot. Some of those people were already known to the US security agencies responsible for tracking them. Something as simple as this minor 10 second inconvenience could have saved 3000 innocent lives. Grow the fuck up. He doesn't like it? Too fucking bad..........By the way, if you read on the PoS website that Daniel the fag was assaulted and beaten to within an inch of his life, it was probably my fault. Fuck him.

So which is it? Standing up for beliefs is good....or bad?
ohh ok, I get what you're saying. I didn't realize he specifically talked about the principle stuff in those posts. Nevermind! :blush:
Hey Barking Pumpkin - You're a stupid ass. I NEVER said DG SHOULDN'T stand up for his beliefs. Rather, I QUESTIONED what he was hiding from in refusing to offer his fingerprints to comply with a simple and rational security measure, and why he be, in my estimation, a bit disrespectful to the fact that we have bigger fish to fry in the US right now (i.e., terrorism), than the whiny panderings of a little known prog rocker from Scandinavia that only a few hardcores from forums like this even care about. THAT'S my point. NOTHING to do with beliefs!

As for Mustaine, I will state again, his stance was one based on BELIEFS, and to prove that he's not being an asshole, he OFFERED to give up Megadeth's slot on the tour dates in question so that the artists he found to be objectionable to his faith could still perform. It was the promoters who made the final choice, as he put the ball in their court.

By the way, seeing how's you're only 15 and I'm 33, a registed genius and successful business owner in the most dynamic city on the planet, I don't know why I bother to stoop to your level in conversation. Must be because I just got paid, and have the time to fuck with small, young minds like your own.

You'll learn a lot about life in the next 18 years (when you reach the age I am now), so I'd like to challenge you to save your random musings to disk or print them on paper. That way you can recall them later, and consider whether you still agree with yourself on issues that are at present too big for your young, grass stained britches. Now, kindly go fuck right off.
metal71 said:
By the way, seeing how's you're only 15 and I'm 33, a registed genius and successful business owner in the most dynamic city on the planet.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You kind sir, are a very good comedian. :tickled:

as if age has anything to do with intelligence. Barking Pumpkin not only expresses his arguments more coherently and logically than you, but now that he caught you red-handed, you stoop to asinine insults and egotistical penis-measuring.

strike up another point for the Pumpkin.
Silent Song said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You kind sir, are a very good comedian. :tickled:

as if age has anything to do with intelligence. Barking Pumpkin not only expresses his arguments more coherently and logically than you, but now that he caught you red-handed, you stoop to asinine insults and egotistical penis-measuring.

strike up another point for the Pumpkin.

I think not, ass-face. Seeing how's you're only a few years BP's senior, I'll make you a deal. Kiss my ass every day from now until the festival (that is, if you're parents will let you go), and I'll buy you a beer when we get there.
actually, i'm not going to PPUSA this year because i'll be in London. also, i don't drink. and also, i don't kiss any ass. my point still stands:

"but now that he caught you red-handed, you stoop to asinine insults"
I could care less about any religion whether you are catholic or if you are satanist. I will just say that Dave mustaine is an idiot. He can control his little fest but he shouldn't have a say in fests that he is just one other band on that fest.

I would be pissed off if I was a Dissection or rotting christ fan in those countries. I personally like both bands. Fuck religious idiots or even more so "born agains.":Smug:
metal71 said:
By the way, seeing how's you're only 15 and I'm 33, a registed genius and successful business owner in the most dynamic city on the planet, I don't know why I bother to stoop to your level in conversation. Must be because I just got paid, and have the time to fuck with small, young minds like your own.

tsk, tsk. Nice ego. "Look how important I am! Stroke my cock that I may blow a load of genius-spem-infested cum in your face!"

You're just pissed off because you got caught being a hypocrite by that 15 yr old you're trying to diss.