Dave Mustaine vs Satanists (This gets funny!!!)

metal71 said:
Hey Barking Pumpkin - You're a stupid ass.

metal71 said:
By the way, seeing how's you're only 15 and I'm 33, a registed genius and successful business owner in the most dynamic city on the planet, I don't know why I bother to stoop to your level in conversation. Must be because I just got paid, and have the time to fuck with small, young minds like your own.

You'll learn a lot about life in the next 18 years (when you reach the age I am now), so I'd like to challenge you to save your random musings to disk or print them on paper. That way you can recall them later, and consider whether you still agree with yourself on issues that are at present too big for your young, grass stained britches. Now, kindly go fuck right off.

Why don't you admit, Mr. Genius, that he got you being a hypocrite? Why don't you admit that the 15yr kid owned you and that he's probably more intelligent than you are at the age of 33, being only 15? You really have to be an idiot to behave like you're doing in such an intelligent and racional forum such as this. Grow the fuck up!
OK kid, if God is "not an asshole" as you so intelligently put it, please explain everything in these two links:
God didn't write the Bible. Men did. All of that is ancient history written by men just a step or two above Neanderthals. While there is some good advice in certain areas of the Bible, anyone who takes it literally is a totally delusional religious freak, IMO.
metal71 said:
By the way, seeing how's you're only 15 and I'm 33, a registed genius and successful business owner in the most dynamic city on the planet, I don't know why I bother to stoop to your level in conversation.

What the hell's a "registed genius"? In some ways it seems downright oxymoronic, doesn't it?

I guess I get to make fun of you because I'm 38, and that apparently makes me smarter than you. In fact, I'm 15% smarter than you are.
My apologies for posting a hasty, rather harsh, opinion about a topic which should clearly be granted a lot more thought. Though, I hate discussing religion or politics in forums, or really anywhere else for that matter, since I opened by big mouth I feel I owe you a clarification of my flippant post.

The Bible is one of the most complex literary works ever put together, spanning centuries and using the writings of many individuals. The first five books of the Old Testament are called the “Torah” which is often misinterpreted as “The Law” but really means “teachings.” Much of what is in the Old Testament are stories designed to be understood by the people of much earlier times. That’s why the Noah’s Ark story says the whole world was under a flood and Noah single-handedly saved two of every single species in the world. Now, that just doesn’t make sense.

You have to remember, these people thought the world was flat. There was probably a flood covering the region they lived in, and Noah saved the farm animals and game creatures they relied on. To get caught up in the details causes people to miss the message, which was basically that following God’s direction was good for you and could save your life. Ignoring him was hazardous to your health.

Much of what is in the Bible is also a history which is dependant on the views of the people who lived through it. As we can easily see with the variations of events written in our own modern history books, (and the biased media ;) ) it’s hard to know just how exact these history lessons are, especially considering they had to be translated into modern language. Scholars are still study original works and coming up with different translations today.

My whole point is, too many people use the inconsistent details in the Bible as arguments to say the whole thing is bunk. It’s not the details but the message that’s important. I think anyone who uses literal translations to argue for or against the Bible and God in general is being short-sighted and lacking in common sense. And THAT’S an abbreviated, (believe it or not) explanation of my opinion. Enough said.

(I seem to see a post was deleted. Change your mind?)
AMBR said:
My whole point is, too many people use the inconsistent details in the Bible as arguments to say the whole thing is bunk. It’s not the details but the message that’s important. I think anyone who uses literal translations to argue for or against the Bible and God in general is being short-sighted and lacking in common sense.

Excellent way to see things and understand the real meaning of the stories in the bible.
I just thought of something...

metal71 said:
By the way, seeing how's you're only 15 and I'm 33, a registed genius and successful business owner in the most dynamic city on the planet (Las Vegas)

Humm... genius, suceessful in Las Vegas...

Did you work for Daniel Ocean in the past few years? Were you one of those 11 guys?

I used to own a printing company, while investing in real estate (47% returns last year in Las Vegas, best in the US). Now I am a full time investor and real estate broker, having sold out my share of the printing outfit. My latest niche market is in helping retired rockstars from LA move to Vegas, where they get a lot more home for their royalty checks.

Life is good.
And no, AgraRules, I was not part of Ocean's 11, (wish I was) though it may interest you to know that the two thugs chasing after Clooney and his gang in both movies are locals, nicknamed the 'Power Twins'. They are making a nice little name for themselves playing bad guys in the many movies now being filmed in Vegas. When I had the printing company, we did their promo packages for them. Nice guys, and if you're ever here, you can catch them moonlighting as celebrity bouncers at the Spearmint Rhino (a strip club).
*Mode serious on*

That's awesome. Congratulations. By what you said you're indeed sucessful, I don't doubt it.

*Mode serious off*

Are you planning to hire the twins to come get me and the rest of the guys who don't agree with ya? =P

I wish I was in Ocean's 11 as well.

Regarding the stripclub, that's all good. I don't hang out in those. For stripping matters my girlfriend takes care of it perfectly for me. :tickled:
By the way mitchgx, 'registered genius' means just what it implies, that I have proof. When I was 5, I wrote a short story that was later published when my school teacher submitted it anonymously to a publishing company. After that, school officials came to pick my brain, which led to extensive testing, which revealed that in the first grade, I was reading and comprehending at a college level. So, I was allowed to skip a grade. (My mother actually skipped two, graduating high school with honors at age 15). I went on to do the same, and scored in the top 2% of the nation on my college aptitude tests. All this while sporting an Iron Maiden shirt and long hair. My IQ was then tested, at which time my true genius was revealed. Buy I already knew it, because after all, I was a genius. I then went to college for business law, and later a degree in music. I started my first business when I was 21, offering financial consulting to people facing bankruptcy or foreclosure. I then took an interest in Las Vegas, which is how I got where I am today.

The End

I realize all this is of no interest, but you had to ask, so I answered. Have a nice day.
metal71 said:
By the way mitchgx, 'registered genius' means just what it implies, that I have proof. When I was 5, blah....blah.....blah.

LOL. Whatever. Apparently you still don't get it. But if pontificating endlessly about how smart and successful you are somehow makes you feel better about yourself, then more power to you. You're obviously covering up some other deep-seated insecurity. I'm sure you drive a nice car to compensate, though. :Smug:
No, I drive 150 miles a day. My Cavalier is just perfect for the gas mileage, and I'm a bit af an environmentalist, even if I do think we should drill in Alaska.

Besides, (and I repeat), YOU ASKED.

Have a nice day. In your nice car. Probably a Hummer.