...was absofuckinlutly AMAZING!!!!!
I'm somewhat new to Opeth, and only have the BWP and Deliverance albums, but now I am getting anything and everything Opeth! Consider me a new elitist now.
I haven't had a good ass kicking like that in a long time... and it felt mighty good! I would definalty hope they return to the land of the zion curtian again... the crowd was excellent and the sound was superb.
As a side note: Tomer (From the End Records) got booted out halfway through Lacuna Coil... the jar headed security tattled on him for passing out flyers on the Agalloch/Antimater/Virgin Black show coming to Salt Lake... fortuanly Andreas conviced the owner to let him back in shortly after Opeth started. Seeing how Tomer's a huge Opeth fan, it was good he was able to join the rest of us just in time!
Also... Martin Mendez is a very underated bassist, that kat had the shit goin' on! His bass playing was absolutly mezmerizing... a new found hero for me!

...again... very kick ass show!

I'm somewhat new to Opeth, and only have the BWP and Deliverance albums, but now I am getting anything and everything Opeth! Consider me a new elitist now.

I haven't had a good ass kicking like that in a long time... and it felt mighty good! I would definalty hope they return to the land of the zion curtian again... the crowd was excellent and the sound was superb.
As a side note: Tomer (From the End Records) got booted out halfway through Lacuna Coil... the jar headed security tattled on him for passing out flyers on the Agalloch/Antimater/Virgin Black show coming to Salt Lake... fortuanly Andreas conviced the owner to let him back in shortly after Opeth started. Seeing how Tomer's a huge Opeth fan, it was good he was able to join the rest of us just in time!
Also... Martin Mendez is a very underated bassist, that kat had the shit goin' on! His bass playing was absolutly mezmerizing... a new found hero for me!
...again... very kick ass show!