The Opeth show in Utah....


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
...was absofuckinlutly AMAZING!!!!!:hypno:

I'm somewhat new to Opeth, and only have the BWP and Deliverance albums, but now I am getting anything and everything Opeth! Consider me a new elitist now. :p

I haven't had a good ass kicking like that in a long time... and it felt mighty good! I would definalty hope they return to the land of the zion curtian again... the crowd was excellent and the sound was superb.

As a side note: Tomer (From the End Records) got booted out halfway through Lacuna Coil... the jar headed security tattled on him for passing out flyers on the Agalloch/Antimater/Virgin Black show coming to Salt Lake... fortuanly Andreas conviced the owner to let him back in shortly after Opeth started. Seeing how Tomer's a huge Opeth fan, it was good he was able to join the rest of us just in time!

Also... Martin Mendez is a very underated bassist, that kat had the shit goin' on! His bass playing was absolutly mezmerizing... a new found hero for me!

...again... very kick ass show!

squeemu said:
Virgin black is coming to america? WHEN? Also, where can I find info???

Here is the answer you seek! Depending on where your located, if you actualy decide to make a trip out to a show, I'd recomend the Salt Lake gig!

West Coast Tour:
The End Records is very proud to announce a West Coast Tour for 3 of our bands:
Agalloch (USA) / Antimatter (UK) / Virgin Black (Australia)
This is the first tour for Agalloch and also the first US performance for both Antimatter and Virgin Black. We would be offering exclusive merchandise plus the upcoming releases for Antimatter and Virgin Black (see below for more info) and an exclusive tour 7" by Agalloch.

MAY 16.Friday
The Catwalk Club
P.O. Box 4897
164-172 S. Washington St.
Seattle, WA 98104

MAY 18.Sunday
1 SW 3rd Ave.
Portland, OR 97204

MAY 20.Tuesday
The Curve
747 3rd St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Local band Ludicra opening

MAY 21.Wednesday
The Cat Club
8911 Sunset Blvd.
W. Hollywood, CA 90069

MAY 22.Thursday
The Mason Jar
2303 East Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Local band Fall Of Empyrean opening

May 23.Friday
Club DV8 (formerly known as Xscape)
115 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Local band Anima Nera opening