the original ;)

Sep 19, 2004
This was really cool to see….we were at the High Museum on sat and was in the Medieval part and I was looking at a gold backing of a mirror, the artist was Foppa…the design had a man and woman and had something to do with procreation...I looked closer at the detail and the man was doing the horns with his left hand…I thought that was very cool :rock:

the martelli mirror 1495-1500

Gene Simmons and Dio thought they invented it….lol…
Gene Simmons thinks he invented the world and everything in it. :rolleyes:

Dio on the other hand, has actually stated that while he did not invent the "horns" hand symbol, he did play a large part in making it a popular gesture among metalheads. (He even admits that it was a sign he picked up from his grandmother when warding off someone who was "giving them the evil eye." He has also sited her as the source of many of his lyrical ideas.)

I was actually told that the sign of "the horns" originated as a masonic symbol, so perhaps that is why it was included in this piece of metalwork.

Some other interesting sites/pages concerning "the horns":

and one of my favorites ...

Thank goodness it's in the public domain by now or we'd all owe Gene Simmons our cars/houses/left nuts. :lol:

LOL, that was great!

I'm surprised that the Kiss logo hasn't been put on that!

Thank you to whoever posted the link to the Met! One thing we know for sure - it's a hand gesture, so it had to be Italian (ha ha).