The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

Bon said:
Thanx a lot Draugen!
Downloading it now!!

Hehe, right back at you!!!
BTW, "The Quiet Offspring", is that Green Carnation's new album? Is it any good?

Thidrek -> Hmm, I didn't know that... I hope that he is aware of it though... :grin: vbmenu_register("postmenu_3689125", true);
assistance for the incompetent:

what is .RAR format and how to i make it work? my computer downloads it as a 76.4 MB text document. ???
thanks for the Winrar help, now i can dig up more of these files buried in my computer.

sounds great! awesome!
Wow great! you made my month! amf why didn't you send me a c113 to make me aware of this :grin: anyway any of you graphic-maniac can make a cover for this release so that on my cd I don't have to write otyg-live but to have a nice trollish cover? :cool:
Oops, Thidrek, I started making those before I saw you had replied. Didn't mean to steal the job from you.
Hopefully they are not too small or in the wrong format.


Also the photos are taken by Cia (afaik), so don't tell her I stole them.. :p