The Passion of the Christ

I was also surprised to see Jesus nailed through his hands, as he was nailed through his wrists (it is proved that his hands would not have been able to support his weight),
This is general knowledge (as is the idea that Christ probably carried only the crossbar, not the entire cross, as the vertical post should already be in the ground), but it was probably scripted accordingly because a technique (involving both PoV and FX) was developed in order to realistically portray the spikes being driven through palms.

and the eye eating crow in the end was kinda unrequired (God is not supposed to punish sinners in such a cruel way, isn't he?).

I believe the crow pecking out the thief's eyes was a metaphor for spiritual blindness, and was Mel's idea (though, again, this is referenced in The Bible).
Probably the most overrated movie of the decade. What´s the big fuzz about?
It was´nt even provocative, except maybe for some religous christians, but those are´nt very hard to provoke anyway.
If you want to see a good movie about the gospel go and rent Life of Brian.
I'm agreeing with the "extremely overrated" people here. I, as a non-christian, was bored out of my skull. I saw the Jesus of the movie as religious lunatic who got executed in a way that was popular around those times. Maybe if I was christian it would had moved me emotionally, but now it was just empty and, as DiscipleOfPlato already mentioned, lacked substance. Watching two hours of guy getting tortured isn't really effective, unless you already believe he's taking the punishment for your sins.
Considering the source material, what exactly were you expecting? Mel drew from The Dolorous Passion... as well as The Gospel Of John, and excepting certain liberties (Satan, etc.), the film is supposed to be a play-by-play account. If you're versed in Aramaic, you should've contacted Mel's agent.

I agree with you in regards to the limited, unflexible source material. I personally don't believe that the film's script could've been better when taking into account the goal of the filmmakers, however, that still doesn't change the fact that the screenplay is undeserving of any reverence. A mediocre screenplay is still a mediocre screenplay, despite however constrained the source may be.
Evil Ernie said:
I watch a lot of gore movies, and I think this one was one of the hardest to stand. The point of this picture is to show the absolute love of the Christ. Well done. I think the violence is appropriate (the Bible is a very violent book, just think how Alex enjoys it in Clockwork Orange...) but kinda excessive. No one could have endured that much physical pain, a human body just don't have enough blood for that kind of treatment. I was also surprised to see Jesus nailed through his hands, as he was nailed through his wrists (it is proved that his hands would not have been able to support his weight), and the eye eating crow in the end was kinda unrequired (God is not supposed to punish sinners in such a cruel way, isn't he?). Excellent screenplay.

I recommend this movie.
What you don't get is even though Jesus was fully man, he was also fully God. He could of taken the abuse because he wasn't a human. God punishes sinners just as he punishes believers but I think you missed the point of the crow.
Horrible movie. Vastly, vastly, VASTLY overrated. I was bored by it. And yes, the screen play was horrible, just like any other Mel Gib$on movie.

But I didn't give any money to the Mel Gib$on money machine, because I downloaded it. :)
><+> Cristão <+>< said:
What you don't get is even though Jesus was fully man, he was also fully God. He could of taken the abuse because he wasn't a human. God punishes sinners just as he punishes believers but I think you missed the point of the crow.

This is an interesting conundrum: how can a person be "fully man," and "fully God," at the same time? Doesn't this violate some rule of physics? Also, if he's not human, why was he bleeding when whipped? Finally, if God loves everyone so much, why does he punish his believers just as he punishes the sinners? Were the believers doing as much as the sinners to offend him? Your argument is lacking in logic, here.

I still haven't seen this movie since I missed it on it's release. I guess I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD and rent it and make my own decision on the film. Thus far, everything that I've seen about this film is that it's either 1) overrated, 2) the best accomplishment set to celluloid, 3) sucks AND blows, or 4) is one of the greatest pieces of propaganda since Birth of a Nation or Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will).
Jesus was human but he was also God. Being fully man and fully God is the only way he could save humanity from their sins. The only difference between a believer and a non-believer is one is saved and one isn't.
Believer said:
Jesus was human but he was also God. Being fully man and fully God is the only way he could save humanity from their sins. The only difference between a believer and a non-believer is one is saved and one isn't.
hold on though i thought god was compasionate . or is he just selectively compassionate?
He loves us all, but he also loves to punish us all. It's an s/m thing, you have to do it to understand it fully. ;)

But to be serious... I never understood why god's only way to save humanity for their sins was to kill his/her own son. I've never heard a good argument for this.
Over Broen said:
hold on though i thought god was compasionate . or is he just selectively compassionate?
God is compassionate to sinners and believers. Think of all the times He has helped you with things. You are alive today, healthy, you have a computer, I'm sure you have a big cd collection. God has blessed you extremely. I'm not sure what else you have or if you have any of the things I said but you are truly a blessed individual.

Voice of God said:
He loves us all, but he also loves to punish us all. It's an s/m thing, you have to do it to understand it fully. ;)

But to be serious... I never understood why god's only way to save humanity for their sins was to kill his/her own son. I've never heard a good argument for this.
He died so we might live. Without the death of Christ we all would surely perish.
Believer said:
He died so we might live. Without the death of Christ we all would surely perish.

The question wasn't why did god do it, but why that was the only solution. I mean what kind of logic does it follow? Did god just end up thinking:
"I'll slay all the sinners.... but well that's kind of harsh, I think I'll just kill my son, who is a part of me, therefore I kill myself in front of them and they'll be forgiven. Saved from my wrath by me sacrificing myself for their sins which I have decided are a bad thing. Because of their sins, I punish myself so that I would forgive their sins. So say I, the mighty god."

He really is into s/m isn't he?
Believer said:
God is compassionate to sinners and believers. Think of all the times He has helped you with things. You are alive today, healthy, you have a computer, I'm sure you have a big cd collection. God has blessed you extremely. I'm not sure what else you have or if you have any of the things I said but you are truly a blessed individual.

He died so we might live. Without the death of Christ we all would surely perish.
but what about people who arent so lucky what about some kid in hellholestan that is slowly starving to death while simultaniously being eaten by rats and succumbing to aids. the point is god if there is one or two or three is not a very compasionate fellow, in fact he lets dicks like you come here and tell me i should believe in him. tell me this do you really think an all powerful compasionate being really needs the worship of a disgusting race of fools criminals and cowards.

if in truth the death of christ preserved us then god is a truely sadistic individual indeed he let us live so that we might se the horrors of warfare on a massive scale, nuclear weapons, out of control crime and a society so inherently wrong that the views of right and wrong are skewed.

at best we are the "control" in a cosmic experiment at worst we are the plaything of an uncaring, selfish and at times sadistic god.

of course im a heathen anyways so i guess im screwed anyway it goes... right?
Over Broen said:
but what about people who arent so lucky what about some kid in hellholestan that is slowly starving to death while simultaniously being eaten by rats and succumbing to aids. the point is god if there is one or two or three is not a very compasionate fellow, in fact he lets dicks like you come here and tell me i should believe in him. tell me this do you really think an all powerful compasionate being really needs the worship of a disgusting race of fools criminals and cowards.

if in truth the death of christ preserved us then god is a truely sadistic individual indeed he let us live so that we might se the horrors of warfare on a massive scale, nuclear weapons, out of control crime and a society so inherently wrong that the views of right and wrong are skewed.

at best we are the "control" in a cosmic experiment at worst we are the plaything of an uncaring, selfish and at times sadistic god.

of course im a heathen anyways so i guess im screwed anyway it goes... right?

God has a reason for everything. We don't have the answers here on Earth. We should walk by faith and not by sight. You can be saved heathen or not. All you have to do is believe it in your heart.
God is just and punishes sin. God is also merciful. This seeming paradox is answered by Jesus death on the cross, where God's judgement for sin is poured out on Jesus Christ. Therefore He is just and merciful in the same act.