The penis Game


Warning: Contains Alcohol
Mar 20, 2004
Ukiah, California.
okay, I was wondering if anyone has ever played this game.
The game is basically who can say penis the loudest.
Its fun to do in movies right before they start, just to see who else (aside from your friends) in the area will do it. We did it at a Opeth concert once, we got a few people on the other side of the room to do it back. Anywho, I was just wondering if my friends and I are the only demented people who play this game, or if there is....others.
haha! Never heard of the penis game before.. but the movies sounds like a good place to try it out... before the movie starts.. dont want to ruin anyones night :eek:
if you dare to even try to do this at the cinema where i work i will kick you out of the cinema moehahahaha....

...really...nah...i will play the game with you MOEHAHAHA and irritate my boss

and then i will get fired...but i dont give a shit
NicodemiX said:
I think deadskin and SirDidymus are very fond of this game.

you're actually correct. and not in a gay way. we just yell penis a hell of a lot. Will moreso than me though. he's obsessed with the male organ.
i BOUGHT Will the inflatable penis... for his birthday... because he loves the cock.... and i also bought him a bookmark from Italy with all the penii(penis plural?) of the famous italian statues on it... he truly loves the cock, ladies and gentleman
:lol: I remember the penis games in the theatre..and at concerts....and everywhere else

heh, I usually scream 'placenta'

It has a nice ring to it