The Pet Peeve thread

I can expand on that idea by saying it drives me insane when people abbreviate crap like "r" or "u" or the like.."how old r u?" is that? Is a three letter word THAT hard to spell out? Gosh, their English teachers must be SO proud *sarcastic cough*.

Or "yer" save typing one freaking letter by saying "yer" instead of "your" kinda crap is that? UGGHH that shit just makes me crazy.
Yeah, and these kids are supposed to be in grade 12. The spelling and grammar is more like a grade 6 level. It's pretty disgusting. Computer spell-checkers and downloaded prewritten essays have ruined kids abilities to think for themselves.

Fuck, I'm sounding old. "Back in my day, we had to use a dictionary to check our spelling, and we had to walk ten miles to school each day..."
People who spell with ALL CAPS on. Even worse are those that SpElL lIkE tHiS, It FuCkIn DrIvEs Me NuTs. :angry:

People who can't shut up in a theatre. Go to a bar or coffee house to talk.
People with crying infants who don't take the screaming child out of the theater during a movie.

People with infants on airplanes who don't think to give them something to suck on (bottle, pacifier) during takeoff/landing to help the pressure in their ears (since they can't pop their ears like we can)..thus leaving them with a baby screaming in pain & the rest of the passengers wanting to smack the parent for being stupid.

People coming to the US & expecting us to cater to their language rather than learning ours.
Originally posted by NaTaSMAI
When English teachers misspell stupid words like onomatopoeia and get mad when you try and correct them.

I had an English teacher misspell a word on the blackboard once, & when we pointed it out to her, she started crying.. :lol:

She left the next semester after having a nervous breakdown..doh!
I hate people who think slipknot is metal and i hate people who listen to nothing but true black metal and consider that to be the only thing worthy of listening to. If you hate life that much and thinks humanity sucks so much then why dont you go kill yourself stop whinning and bitching and stop acting like you are superior than us because you listen to TRUE BLACK METAL. I dont have a problem with black metal its just the fans.
ok, there's plenty of things i hate.
one of the things i can't stand, is when you go to the marketplace and it's crowded and the people before you (usually old people and mothers with prams) walk so slow i'd be faster crawling, and when you try to pass them on the left they move to the left, you try on the right they move to the right, you look elsewhere they stop so you hurt them and they complain, if you complain people around you look at you as you were committing a crime, and when you finally succeed in passing them you discover there is someone even slower before you, so you just want to get out but it seems something impossible you think "oh god i'm gonna die here, but if i die i'll take someone with me" so you take an umbrella from someone and try to kill the old lady on your right but in that moment your mother (who is the reason why you are in that hell) says it's not normal to act like that and you think there's no way next time i'm gonna come here.
sorry for this, i identified myself too much :loco:

Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
I can expand on that idea by saying it drives me insane when people abbreviate crap like "r" or "u" or the like.."how old r u?" is that?
:lol: what's the difference between "u" and "wtf"? i don't think it's the number of letters you save that makes an abbreviation acceptable, but the contest you use it in.
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