Pet Peeves

1. People who sit too close to me on the bus
2. People who cough without covering their mouth
3. People who think that they are ALWAYS right no matter what
4. People who start a sentence and trail off... leaving you hanging and annoyed
5. People who double-park
6. When someone says "I can help the next in line" and the person behind you goes ahead and gets served first
7. Crying babies while in a quiet area
8. People who walk really slow, and when you try to pass them they walk in your way AGAIN
9. People who stop in the middle of the street, making you almost fall over them
10. Groups of people (in a line) who take up the whole side walk, horizontally (the big sidewalks)
11. People who say "l8tr" and "4U" etc.
12. Grammar errors/spelling errors
13. TOO much slang

I have so many more, I just can't think of the rest right now!
I get pissed when people who can't draw, paint, write, or anything, criticize. Basically, I don't think they have the right. That's shitty. I don't care, I hate that! Especially when an opinion has not been solicited, or you're not even done with it.

When you have those two hour one sided conversations, and all I can get in edgewise is..."yeah", "uh HUH", "really".

My best friend fucking her computer up constantly, it's always being serviced because she goes and messes with it. Then thinks she can tell me what to do with my computer. Uh huh. Like I'm gonna do what you tell me to.

Bitchy women. You know the kind. The snotty, I'm better than you kind, I'm better than you in every way. I steal their coil wires.

Assholes men. It may take me years, but put golf balls in their gas tanks.

Mummies that continue to drive! "Look out! It's a mummy in front of you! (screams of horror)"

Egotistical, flat out arrogant and rude musicians.
People who are looking in one direction but walking in another direction ( usually into your way )

Idiots who cause accidents or mishaps then blame others or call their lawyers ( such as the person who burned themselves with the hot coffee and sued or the person who made hair dryer manufacturers to put a DO NOT USE IN SHOWER sticker on the product )

People who go to the movies to have conversations with each other or friends on their cell phones ( YO, WHAT UP! I'm at the movies YO )

People who need to comment on everything happening during a movie
( oh man, that dudes gonna get it, shit that dude is fucked up, he said ASPHALT he is funny )

People who ask questions then disregard your answers
( my mom " don't you want a light on in here? me " no, I'm fine thanks
my mom " it's too dark, I will put the light on anyway )

People who ask if you would like to do something then disregard your answer
( my dad " want to go with the family today? me " no thanks " my dad " well tough your going anyway "
Fat people on the bus who think that they're allowed to sit in the elderly/disabled seats.

That stupid fat kid I see in the halls that keeps telling me he's metal with his Good Charlotte shirt. And yesterday he ran into me and didn't apologize, the little shit.

Those obnoxious assholes from Roosevelt who always stand right infront of the door and refuse to move on the bus.

People who get mad at me for saying that I don't believe in god, while they preach about their religion constantly.

People who make huge deals over 10 cents.

The girl who cries after lunch everyday because her boyfriend broke up with her, or someone made fun of her.

People who think they're smart, but make ignorant asses out of themselves.

People who think they're funny.

I'm sure there are more.
Oooh, here's one: dudes online who talk about their girlfriends constantly and bring them up at every opportunity, because they're that insecure.

Obsessive Metallica haters. Okay, you don't like Metallica and everything they do is wrong. NOBODY CARES.

Obessive Metallica defenders. Okay, you find no fault in anything Metallica does. NOBODY CARES.

Asshole bouncers like the ones that stopped me from getting onstage at the last Testament show I went to. What Christing difference does it make to you? Chuck Billy ASKED for people to climb on stage, you overbearing lumps of lard.

Bands who ignore San Francisco, one of the most metal cities in the US. Yes, YOU, Anthrax. Douchebags.