Pet Peeves!!!

May 1, 2003
I'm bored so I decided to make a new thread out of the blue.

My pet peeves:

1. Grammatical Errors

2. People who still have their Christmas decorations up in the middle of Spring.

3. Posers
1.When people look or stare at me
2.umm, well i dont want to say "posers" because i loathe the word but.. very very misinformed people
3.those damn emocore kids and how they act!(well the majority of them anyways)
4.I guess people who don't believe in personal hygene
people staring at me
emo fags
when people leave this much*holds fingers a few cm apart* coke, oj, milk, whatever, left and there isn't any more
raging fanboys/girls
I have a ton of pet peeves.

1. Smoking
2. Tools/Posers
3. People that say they don't do things but they go and do them anyway.
4. Opeth fanboys. (I like Opeth just I never seem to get along with their fans.I listen to CoB so I can't be a tr00 Opeth fan)
5. 12 year old kids that use hacking tools on online games.
6. Censorship
7. Crazy Religious People. (Your going to hell for "x" reason. Or give me money or Jesus will hate you. Or we declare war on you because you don't believe.)
*Hypocrites, fakes
*When (elderly) ppl talk about gory details of illnesses at the table
*Retarded Ballermann Nuts (TM)

And I have to agree about:
*Opeth fanboys
*Hearing people eat
*People who force-feed you their beliefs
*Bad BO/poor hygiene
I have to add a few more:

People who can't pick up their own mess after eating in a cafeteria/food court.

And, yes, people who don't believe in hygiene.


Lazy people.

Unreliable public transporation.

Much Music.

Cd/Dvd prices.

The fact that I have to go all the way downtown to eat at Taco Bell cuz there isn't one in the city I live in.

But come on people, I mean doesn't it bug anyone to see goddamn Christmas decorations up in the middle of April? How lazy can people get?!
Inconsiderate people (Including things like leaving no milk, juice etc, hygiene, lazy people, people who don't get more toilet paper when there is non left!!!!)

Stupid People(pretty much everyone, esp. Posers, and Mallcore losers)

Patriotism (the american way of life)



Ignorant opionions