Pet Peeves!!!

hey everyone
on the bathroom topic, does anyone here suffer from "shy penis"? :lol:
i mean, there was this dude that went to school with me that just COULD NOT take a leak AT ALL if there was ANY noise on the bathroom :lol:

so we used to scream, bang on walls and shit, and he'd stay there trying for hours :lol:
when going to the bathroom (#2) i tend to make loud coughing or throat clearing noises to coincide with the sound of the terd hitting the water. . .some bathrooms in japan have random, strange noises coming out of speakers in public toilets. . .
i just can stand the sound of myself, or anyone else's terds going. . .PLOP!!!!
Okay, I don't know if I have mentioned this one before or not but fuck it, here it is -probably my number one pet peeve:

YOU'RE IN A BAD MOOD. You've got troubles, you're feeling down, pissed off, stressed, sad, --or maybe just plain bored off your ass, whatever-- and, noticing the unhappy look on your face, someone tells you to fucking SMILE.


I fucking hate that.

Look, dumbass, I will only smile when I genuinely feel like doing so, kapeesh??? So shut the fuck up!
Hey Halfpint, that's great that you got rid of your depression!! I know what I'm talking about, had had severe depression for years but I'm better now....and you're totally right: FUCK depression!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Shedevil:
mine wasn't severe. i didn't take drugs, drink, cut my wrists, or do anything like was more like me being angry and bummed out all the time for no real reason. the thing is nobody knew about it for the longest time cuz i always hid it; i s'pose i hid it pretty well, but little good did it do. but eventually i figured "fuck this isn't gonna work" and had a talk with my parents. we went to the doc, who got me back on the right track, and now with a monthly visit to the doc plus some positive thinking and stuff like bassing and singing to occupy my time, i can stay the way i am now.
sexual repression
people who choose to be ignorant
down's syndrome
bad manners
poor grammar
rap videos
high heels
i hate it when people barge in on you when you're getting changed without bother to fucking knock first befre they come roaring in; in addition to this i also despise older brothers who give their friends a smack or two upside the head just for saying that their younger sister is cute. and the fact that civlization is not so civilized anymore these days. yeah...*shrug*
1) Bad breath
2) Parents who dont supervise their kids in public places
3) People who get the wrong impression of me...especially when I am only trying to help stick up for people that do not do for themselves. I guess my emotions get out of hand and I may say things that can be taken badly. There is a certain person who knows of what I say...didnt mean to start anything.
" 3) People who get the wrong impression of me...especially when I am only trying to help stick up for people that do not do for themselves. I guess my emotions get out of hand and I may say things that can be taken badly. There is a certain person who knows of what I say...didnt mean to start anything."

Sounds framilliar :rolleyes:

:lol: Jus' Kiddin'
1# I am honest... About everything, i dont take shit from anyone and i tell people what i think of em. It has backfired MANY times. But its better to be honest than to be a lying bastard! I allmost got expelled from school when i told a teacher what a bitch she was... :p