The Pet Peeve thread

Bad drivers
Guestbook flooders. I had to delete and IP ban a billion entries from one of the sites I work on. Not fun!
People who say "phat" and "that's chill" and their being serious about it.
Overly crowded places
Well I had a grammar Nazi of an english teacher, so grammar was beat into my head for two years I correct people who use bad grammar.
I can't stand horrible drivers.
I can't stand people who are blatantly ignorant and are oblivious to it.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Yeah, and these kids are supposed to be in grade 12. The spelling and grammar is more like a grade 6 level. It's pretty disgusting. Computer spell-checkers and downloaded prewritten essays have ruined kids abilities to think for themselves.
Hey, today I had to write a 2 page essay over a really stupid hard topic with just a dictionary from scratch. We were practicing the exit-level english test or something. Its really confusing because our grade is the first one who will have the new system. I think I did okay though.:)

My pet peeve is saying goodbyes. If I'm not able to say goodbye to someone I want to (anyone, not just a girl I'm attracted to) I get angry for some reason.
when you go to a movie theatre and there are stupid kids there talking threw the whole thing and being obnoxious, or you can't see the screen cuz of some dumb ass's big head in front of you, and there is no where to move.

Being at a metal show and some dumb ass kid gets too crazy in the pit and keeps bumping into all the people not pitting.
Pet peeve: Bands the world can do without:

-Boy bands.
-Girl groups.
-Boy-girl bands.
-Any band where they lip sync on stage and don't play their own instruments and/or write their own music
-Any current band that is egotistical enough to think that they are original and don't respect their influences.
-Metallica from 1992 onwards
-any band that relies more on image and marketing than the actual music they play (which generally applies to all of the above)
And people who have no common sence...
I work in a Car Wash... People come into the car wash and ask, "Are you open?" then ask "Can you wash my car?" I'd l'd just like to say "No Ma'am were closed, thats why i have 6 guys with me... All in uniforms." DUH!!

And 90 yr old prople who cant drive. Before I managed the Car Wash, I changed Oil in a Fast Lube. Now when I guide a car in.. the car is about 2 car lengths away from me... she got out and said and I Quote "You drive it in, I can't see you" Can you believe that?? How can she drive??? AAAAAGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

I feel Better now. Thanx <------:)
mourningstar said:
:lol: what's the difference between "u" and "wtf"? i don't think it's the number of letters you save that makes an abbreviation acceptable, but the contest you use it in.

"wtf" is short for what the fuck, which may not always be an appropriate thing to type out..big difference between that and being too lazy to type "you". ;)
Some trendy kid - "So you like Heavy Metal? You like Marilyn Manson and putting on make up right?

Moi - "....."
Agreed hidden tracks is very annoying. If you need to leave space 5 secs will surfice (sp?)

When you are going somewhere with a bunch of ppl and all agree on where they want to go and the one is not fully sure they want to do that or refuse to go along, but still want to hang out with everyone. So up goes everyone trying to convince or suck up so that person will go. Shut up, quit whinning and being an attention whore and just go, even for no better reason than to hang out with your friends.
This should be the bitch piss and moan thread but anyway things that piss me off. People who think slipknot is metal. Thoose who say ramnstein is german metal and think meshaguah is sweedish metal should just die. Nu Metal fans. People who call Metal "heavy metal" i dont like the term it just makes me think of all the glam hair bands. People who try to convert you to their fucking religion. if i wanted to following your religion i would be following it so get the hell out of my face. Dani Filth he just looks gay what can i say? Black Metal pureists who hate anything band that isnt PURE TRUE BLACK METAL! what else can i bitch about.... oh yea theres too many people from finland on UM. jk
When a sign, or someone says "ATM Machine".

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the M in ATM stand for Machine? Automatic Teller Machine Machine?
I wish I had a copy of "Brain Droppings" by George Carlin so I could name off some more redundancies like "ATM Machine."

I made a two-page list of shit like this the other day.

For example, why do people talk to one-another through cars in traffic? Let's say you're at a 4-way intersection, and you and this other guy are fighting for a chance to go. Neither of you go, and you just look at each other. So, you start saying stuff like, "Dude, go. Come on. Bastard! GO!"

That bugs me.

Another thing that bothers me is that people in the U.S. think that Spanish people aren't white. When they think of Spain they think of brown people hobbling over fences.
Cool thread. For sure my peeves are:
- people who live and work downtown yet still find the need to drive their gas gussling crappers to work
- Slipknot fans (generalization I know but I have encountered many and they are idiots!)
- Moshing guys who push everyone out of the way at shows (these guys are not watching the show anyways and are pushing all the females away - purley a latent homo thing going on)
- Guys who think if you don't sleep with them right away, you MUST want a relationship - with them! (eek!)
- every single politician without a doubt
- Black metal fans who are so 'cool' it's impossible for them to like some other music
- anyone who is in the Manowar fan club
- perverts who follow people