The phrase that pisses me off most is....


Nov 19, 2001
........"It's only music"

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Whenever someone gets me started talking about music, I get a little carried away. But that's because it's what's most important to me. So then people ask me "Why are you getting so worked up? It's only music." ONLY music? ONLY? :mad: :mad: :mad: I just don't understand how anyone can see music as 'only' anything.
When im telling someone i could do something or offer a favor or saying i will met them somewhere and they say " yea whatever "
I think is the single most annoying thing someone can say to me to get me angry or get me sad.
"You think too much." Yeah, that one annoys me. I always want to say, i only wish i could walk around in a foggy stupor like you, you ignorant piece of shit.

but i don't say that. :rolleyes:

and, jayde, i feel your pain. i hate that one, too. and a similar topic for me is politics.
How about "so what are you going to do with yourself?"

Then I tell them about my new move called "the stranger" where you sit on your hand till it falls asleep and then....
When I'm giving my honest and heavily thought out opinion on a subject and the person dismisses my opinion and says something like, "you don't see it my way because you're young and inexperienced. Perhaps when you're older you'll be able to understand."

That gets me so PISSED OFF! :mad: :hotjump:
yeah, belial, i hear that. this woman i work with is constantly whining about the blacks and the jews and the gays and the men and... well, you get the picture. and when i finally got fed up and stopped nodding to humor her, she got all huffy and told me i'd understand when i got older. um...i'm going to get dumber as i age? hmmm, i think not. once white trash, always white trash.
I hate it when people express prejudiced views and I say that it's just plain ignorant to think that way, then they say that there are just some things you don't understand until you're out in the "adult world"

Lina: Yeah, alot of adults around here tell me that I'll understand when I'm older. But I tend to understand more than they do :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jayde
........"It's only music"

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Whenever someone gets me started talking about music, I get a little carried away. But that's because it's what's most important to me. So then people ask me "Why are you getting so worked up? It's only music." ONLY music? ONLY? :mad: :mad: :mad: I just don't understand how anyone can see music as 'only' anything.

Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that most people realize that music is nothing more than an engaging hobby...
um...i'm going to get dumber as i age?

This is a truth known only to a few wise men:Yes
i mean look at old people alzheimer, cannot make coherent sentences, they crap in their pants, they are some of the most close minded people the world knows. It seems to me like getting old is almost equal to getting dumb stupid closeminded and generally useless. I hope i never get to be old ( sounds dumb but i have hope ill die before getting old ).
... So when are you going to quit wasting your time with music, and get a REAL job??


(when someone has heard me play guitar, and i have just belted out half of The sound of Perseverance or something like that):

...That's nice, can you play any BeeGee's??
i have been asked to play the happy birthday song and i almost got violent about it...the bastards are lucky they are part of my family!.

But i enjoy silly stuff i play the theme song from King of the hill, a bit of the simpsons theme ( i do not know all the leads or all the song... is a really complicated song even if it sounds silly ) and im currently working on the seinfeld theme on the bass.
Originally posted by Armageddon's Child

Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that most people realize that music is nothing more than an engaging hobby...

Or perhaps the beauty of music and other forms of art is the counterpoint to the destructivity of human kind that manifests itself in the pain our species inflicts on this earth, on the creatures with which we share it, and on each other.

(And people can be as blind to our capacity for beauty as they are to our ability to destroy.)
Originally posted by llamaura

Or perhaps the beauty of music and other forms of art is the counterpoint to the destructivity of human kind that manifests itself in the pain our species inflicts on this earth, on the creatures with which we share it, and on each other.

(And people can be as blind to our capacity for beauty as they are to our ability to destroy.)

It is a mere distraction. Yes, it is a testament to the human capacity for creation and beauty. Yes, it can stand in stark contrast to the daily grind of life and entropy. But it is ultimately nothing more than a way to disengage our minds for a little while from the destruction and misery of an existence defined by the inevitability of death and decay. One can only change the world with real action in the real world, one doesn't change it with a song or a painting or a sculpture.
Originally posted by Armageddon's Child

It is a mere distraction. Yes, it is a testament to the human capacity for creation and beauty. Yes, it can stand in stark contrast to the daily grind of life and entropy. But it is ultimately nothing more than a way to disengage our minds for a little while from the destruction and misery of an existence defined by the inevitability of death and decay. One can only change the world with real action in the real world, one doesn't change it with a song or a painting or a sculpture.

You are deluded.
"Won't you never grow up? You reached 78 and still dressing like when u were 56! Get a haircut... blah, blah..."
I hate this!
Originally posted by mindflesh
It's not a phrase, but what I really hate is fake laughter...

Yes. Even worse is people who go out of their way to be the life of the party, as if their self-esteem depended on it. People like that are so damn pathetic it really does make me laugh. ;)