The pics thread

I don't peruse 4chan on a regular basis. Sometimes someone will post a link there and I'll read a few threads, but other than that I hardly ever visit there. You should at least go there once and experience it if you haven't already
I'll post some when I get home (if I remember).

In case you're not aware, Drunkard, posts on 4chan get deleted automatically after a while. I'm not sure exactly how it goes, but it seems like each board only stores 10 or so pages of threads.
wtf is 4chan? I've also seen people mention places called /b/ and 7chan. What are these places? They're usually mentioned in connection with pedophilia and weird porn.
Are there really that many people so ignorant to one of the largest engines of Internet culture out there?

You say this like it's a bad thing. I take pride in being ignorant of what are seemingly the most loathsome corners of the internet. Though I just registered at the FMP forum, and it really is as bad as I thought it would be. It's honestly worse than this forum has ever been. Twice as worse.
I'm banned. Fucking shared uni accommodation I.P
I s'pose no-one fancies actually hosting these in a lookable place?
I've no idea who this chick is meant to be cos i ain't seen her yet, but everyones going apeshite enough for me to be intrigued.