The pics thread

I'm not mad about the decor but has this turned into metalhead interiors for the israeli guy or something?

I can hardly talk anyway, I just have a plain white room with pin ups on the walls, my laptop, my CDs, my college work and my hifi. Oh and a wardrobe.

Except everything has gone to pot because we're having double glazing installed, so it's all everywhere.
I'm not mad about the decor but has this turned into metalhead interiors for the israeli guy or something?

I can hardly talk anyway, I just have a plain white room with pin ups on the walls, my laptop, my CDs, my college work and my hifi. Oh and a wardrobe.

Except everything has gone to pot because we're having double glazing installed, so it's all everywhere.

You is just jealous
I'm not sure if I "keep telling myself" anything. I pretty much only think about this forum when I'm browsing it.

But maybe just for you I'll wake up tomorrow morning and think to myself, "I wonder if JAGE is still jealous of DarkBliss's well-decorated Israeli house."
I'm not mad about the decor but has this turned into metalhead interiors for the israeli guy or something?

Well, it's the living room, and I live with someone if it isn't obvious.
I could just take the picture from my work den next time, put on my ...And Justice for All shirt, maybe plaster the walls with Slayer posters, assume a deliberately grim guitar-licking pose ala Death_Delirium, light some candles, and take my best shot at a cryptic look. haha:
Although I don't have the webcam installed there and I have some problems with the USB ports on the computer in that room, they tend to fuck up from time to time.
You'll still be disappointed, I think. While that room is more dimly lit, there's still not much metal about it, save for the occasional mess(if you count that) and the CD collection.