The pics thread

I had pneumonia last week and dropped down to 105. I'm now skinnier than Christian Bale in The Machinist.

edit: Just checked with pics from the movie... I'm not quite that bad but I'm getting there.
DB, what's that weird contraption near the ceiling on the right, that looks like a giant Hershey's kiss with some purple fluff coming out of it and a white box on top?
DB, what's that weird contraption near the ceiling on the right, that looks like a giant Hershey's kiss with some purple fluff coming out of it and a white box on top?

I think the white thing is a TV fasten down to the wall, while the contraption you're talking about is something completely different, perhaps a flower or some other decoration (?).
It's obviously a speaker.

Yeah. The other one might be placed in the other corner not visible on the pic. But I was thinking what the people who sit on the sofa look at? Normally there would be a TV imo. Maybe it's hidden by DB´s head (?).
I think so, it's probably on the shelf that purple flower thingy is on. And you can see the top of the other speaker just above his head I think.

I actually thought the other speaker would be on the wall we don't see. It would be logical considering the placement of the sofa.