The pics thread

I count more than 25 spirit orbs OF THE FUCKING DEAD floating around your house inconspicuously.
Yeah, the lense is kinda dirty.

Hamsters are really not vicious at all, they're very timid. Are you sure you're not thinking of a rat with rabies or something?

That possum is fugly, btw.

Also, my hamster won't stop running. I'm getting worried, because it's been about 8 hours since he got home and the only time he got off the wheel was when I took him out to play. And then he just ran around till I had to put him back so he didn't fall off the table (when you get a new hamster it doesn't know that it can die if it jumps, so it keeps trying to jump. I actually nearly killed one in the pet store today. It jumped out of my hand and landed in on a gap between two cages. Fortunately it was too fat to fit so it didn't fall through, otherwise it would have fallen into the ferret cage, which has very wide bars on top. It would have been awful to watch two ferrets devour a teddy bear hamster :cry:).
Ugly as that possum may have been, it hung from my finger on it's tail which is something a hamster can't do. And it would jump from the floor of it's cage and land upside down on the top screen and walk on it. It was about 2 1/2 feet up.
Ugly as that possum may have been, it hung from my finger on it's tail which is something a hamster can't do. And it would jump from the floor of it's cage and land upside down on the top screen and walk on it. It was about 2 1/2 feet up.

Yeah, that's true. In the pet store today they had these things called Degus or something, some kind of desert rat. They were pretty cool. One was trying to escape; he wedged himself between the wheel and the corned of the cage and was chewing at the bars. Another was looking at me and stood on his hind legs and tracked me. They're like larger hamsters with long furry tails.

I was thinking about getting a guinea pig, but my mom doesn't want me to get one because they live too long and I won't be able to take it with me when I go to college. The hamster will die in a timely fashion about a year after I leave.
Guinea pigs and hampsters are both totally worthless.

I just closed the deal on a Polaris rmk 900! Now I'll have to live on scraps for the next decade.
:kickass: nice man, if we had snow year round i'd definitely buy one. I'm looking to buy a 4 wheeler soon.
Domesticated rats are some of the cleanest and safest pets you can have in every regard, the stigma about disease and other gross-out things is unfortunate and scarcely warranted these days. :(

I was thinking about getting a guinea pig, but my mom doesn't want me to get one because they live too long and I won't be able to take it with me when I go to college. The hamster will die in a timely fashion about a year after I leave.

so. brutal.
Myself and the new ink. Some of you will probably recognize the art. I look like garbage but wanted a decent picture of myself and the tattoo. The guy who did it took a few pictures of it close up but they haven't been uploaded yet. Also, the bar was doing some silly Mardi Gras event which is why I am wearing those retarded beads.
