The pics thread

Also, my hamster won't stop running. I'm getting worried, because it's been about 8 hours since he got home and the only time he got off the wheel was when I took him out to play. And then he just ran around till I had to put him back so he didn't fall off the table (when you get a new hamster it doesn't know that it can die if it jumps, so it keeps trying to jump. I actually nearly killed one in the pet store today. It jumped out of my hand and landed in on a gap between two cages. Fortunately it was too fat to fit so it didn't fall through, otherwise it would have fallen into the ferret cage, which has very wide bars on top. It would have been awful to watch two ferrets devour a teddy bear hamster :cry:).

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You look pretty good in my opinion. I don't have strong opinions on individual piercing/tattoo locations; they look good on some people and retarded on others.