The pics thread


It pisses me off when white girls tan. It just looks horrible. It's just disgusting seeing a brown chick with blonde hair and blue eyes. And if a light skinned girl tans that much their skin will look like leather when they get older. DO NOT WANT.
I like tan skin, but only if it's natural. It really turns me off when a skin overtans and has like a tan "pattern" on her skin.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!

In other news, I just designed a hypothetical album cover/back tray image (only posting the cover here but yeah) of an Aube album (Japanese academic ambient/drone/noise composer who is famous for using only one carefully mic'd sound source per release; from water to wire to flourescent the Bible) for Typography class. The assignment was to illustrate a word ("Strangle" in this case) as an album title (since I chose CD cover/back cover over book or movie poster) and also have it be made out of something literal (I chose rope; makes sense). Behold my hours of work (like 2 plus the making of the word "strangle" out of rope last night + picture taking and shit):


P.S. sorry about all the parentheticals. It's a bad habit of mine.
P.P.S. it looks more like rope on a hi-res version such as the actual copy (I hope :erk:) because this is mad condensed.
It's my friend's birthday tomorrow, so to kill some time tonight I decided to draw something legendary for him. My previous attempts at drawing have been described as "childish at best." However, it came out better than I thought it would. It's based off of... well actually lets see if you can guess. Hopefully the drawing isn't that bad.
