The pics thread

finally came in from, fits perfectly which is a plus

Ha ha ha dude that is so ironic


Pic from about a year ago when I was in a local hippie town.

AND gR and I both wore that shirt to practice one day.
Hopefully this weekend I am trading in my 60 GB PS3 and its 6 games and getting an Xbox 360 Pro Pack with gold XBOX LIVE. Any games you recommend? I alrady got down Gears of War 2 and Dead Rising..
In computer class, I get in the banshee and run people over in it. I love hearing them bitch. The first Halo game that is.
TBH people who don't like Halo are that way because they suck at Halo.

Nah, I don't suck at it, I just don't like it. My cousin plays in the MLG tournies for Halo and Gears of War. The guy is fucking sick man. It's like he was born to play those games.

Halo is like any other FPS except it's the only good one Xbox has.
So people furiously fap over it.

Call of Duty 4 shits all over Halo.