The pics thread


Just got a (meh quality) pic of the second print my girlfriend and I did. This was more of a collaboration than the first one, which was mostly me.
Personally I'm happy that Greece isn't part of the Ottoman Empire.

Ideally the Byzantine Empire would be restored and Islam abolished.

Abolishing nation states would create a government with no true check or balance, which would lead to eventual genocide on a massive scale. (See eugenics).

I wasn't suggesting that. It's just common sense that the more you divide the world, the more wars will be fought between those divisions, especially when they fall upon racial and religious lines. Then make that concurrent with the advance of military technology in the hands of the tyrannical demagogues at the head of each nation-state, and you have a recipe for World War.

Notice that since WW2, with the development of supernational bodies such as the NATO, the Warsaw Pact, UN and EU, the threat of world war has diminished, due to the erasure of the racist and religionist contentions that caused nation-states to fight each other.

I'm not an expert of current geopolitics, but you should accept that a homogenous nation fights more vociferously than a heterogeneous empire or supernational body.
I don't know, if you look at successor nation states to big empires, they are usually less warlike. Examples include the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Union. I mean when was the last time the Czech Republic started a war. Even if you look at Yugoslavia, the violence could be seen more as a reaction of being conglomerated together rather than nation-states fighting each other.

Also the European Empires fought the bloodiest conflict in history other than World War II and it can be strongly argued that World War II would not have happened without World War I, so I don't think your argument that nation-states are more violent than empires is sound.
You can't deny the fact that the development of the nation-state has cost more lives than any other political movement.

I was making a joke; implying that the dinosaurs died from an asteroid and the cartoonist didn't know that.

What is the craziest place you've made whoopie?

In the library; but we couldn't finish. Someone almost caught us.
I don't know, if you look at successor nation states to big empires, they are usually less warlike. Examples include the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Union. I mean when was the last time the Czech Republic started a war. Even if you look at Yugoslavia, the violence could be seen more as a reaction of being conglomerated together rather than nation-states fighting each other.

Also the European Empires fought the bloodiest conflict in history other than World War II and it can be strongly argued that World War II would not have happened without World War I, so I don't think your argument that nation-states are more violent than empires is sound.

There were lots of wars before the development of nation-states, but they were generally fought by mercenaries and involved relatively little bloodshed and a lot of maneuvering. Wars certainly became much bloodier with the development of nation-states, since there were people who were willing to fight to the death. However, I think the root here is not the development of nation-states, but the development of a conscious sense of national or ethnic identity.
I think the middle ground in this history debate is that we cannot compare due to the state of military technology when these types of governments existed. Suppose the Roman Empire and Persian Empire had bomber aircraft and tanks - their wars may have been just as devastating as World War 2.
If someone did that in England they'd come back from work one day and some nosy neighbour type old granny would have painted over it because it offended her.
Ideally the Byzantine Empire would be restored and Islam abolished.

I wasn't suggesting that. It's just common sense that the more you divide the world, the more wars will be fought between those divisions, especially when they fall upon racial and religious lines. Then make that concurrent with the advance of military technology in the hands of the tyrannical demagogues at the head of each nation-state, and you have a recipe for World War.

Notice that since WW2, with the development of supernational bodies such as the NATO, the Warsaw Pact, UN and EU, the threat of world war has diminished, due to the erasure of the racist and religionist contentions that caused nation-states to fight each other.

I'm not an expert of current geopolitics, but you should accept that a homogenous nation fights more vociferously than a heterogeneous empire or supernational body.

You are still assuming war will happen because there is a boundary. Alliances were the cause of WWI, and there would have been no WWII if there hadn't been a WWI. You can lay a lot of blame on Woodrow Wilson and America for creating the situation for the Nazis to rise. Meddling in other countries affairs is bad 99% of the time. This includes things like the EU, UN, etc.

Blame the tyrannical heads of state, not the state concept.