The pics thread

Agreed, there's increased killing power, but that doesn't matter without people willing to be killed. In WWI the Russians would have a line of soldiers. The guy at the front would have the gun. They'd run at a machine-gun nest and the guy in front would get shot. The guy behind him would pick up the gun and keep going. You don't get that sorta shit from mercenaries. Even without modern weapons WWI would have been a hell of a lot bloodier.
I don't know why you are under the impression that only mercenaries fought wars before WWI but that isn't true. Besides Russia was an empire at the time of WWI so it only proves my point. A lot of the soldiers in the army would've been from places like Ukraine and central Asia so I don't think it was national pride that kept them going.
You seem to be arguing that people were just as warlike before the rise of nation-states, though.
This is what I am arguing.
I don't know why you are under the impression that only mercenaries fought wars before WWI but that isn't true.
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that prior to the rise of nation-states (which is not at all synonymous with WWI, it's much closer to the French Revolution), wars were generally fought by professional soldiers (for example, the British army) who were motivated by pay and not by pride, and commanders sought to avoid actual combat by a lot of maneuvering. This isn't a rule, it's just how things generally were.
This is what I am arguing.
Oh. Okay.
Well, I wouldn't contest that there were just as many wars before the rise of nation-states, if not more, but they were political wars fought between governments. The concept of total war, for example, is inextricably tied to the idea of the nation-state. I have to go to work now, but we can argue more later.
Good insights I'm getting here. My concentration is pre-modern Europe, so I may never get to take a real course in anything after 1600. Thanks, Nick.
Just redid my Wall o' Death! This shit's right above my bed. I'm consistently watched over by great metal bands (and some OK ones, and one great noise act):

Coincidentally I'm doing the same, no pictures though. Except all of my posters are great metal bands. So far over my CDs I have Kat and Mortuary Drape, and over my bed I have the two new gigantic The Crypt posters of Root and Utumno, and above that on the slight incline part of the ceiling I have Funebrarum, Hellhammer, and Portrait. Others I already had up but didn't move/rearrange are Master's Hammer, Tudor, Ignivomous, Excruciate, Karnarium, In Solitude, and Bathory. More to go, and maybe I'll take pictures then...

Edit: Runk: A bunch of people have Utumno posters now because it was just reissued, as I just mentioned above.