The pics thread

The other day, someone trolling a person I know on put up a link to something called 'Offended' at Encyclopedia Dramatica (and I seriously do not recommend going out of your way to find this unless you want to be seriously disturbed), and among all of the disgusting images were a series of pictures of an Asian woman holding a tiny kitten, smiling, then laying it on the ground so it could roll around playfully until she rammed her stiletto heel through its head. Seriously... I cannot fucking comprehend what drives people to do things like this.

I saw that video. The cat makes the most disturbing sound you'll ever hear in your life. Ever. Like a scream and a screech, and it just fucking curdles my blood every time I think about it.
Different derek. Bluewizard derek had a tilde in front. This is derek from the philosophy forum.

I know that you mixed-blooded mongrel. If the retarded Southern Derek posted, I would have been disappointed.

Edit: And seriously, I don't understand why people continue to watch fucked up videos like these, even after they've already seen a few and have a general idea of how fucked up they are and how fucked up it will make them feel for watching it. STOP WATCHING THEM.
I don't really watch things to shock me. I really can't be bothered with it all. That goes for slasher movies and 'vintage' video nasties as well. Meh.

Nasty shit happens. It's bad, as such, I see no purpose in looking at it unless it's a snuff one like the Ukranian man's death, and I happen to be a Ukranian policeman.
The last shock/snuff video I voluntarily watched, ~3 years ago, was one of some animals getting skinned alive at what looked like a third-world marketplace (and still alive after their skin had been ripped off). Among them, I think, were a dog, a raccoon and a lamb.

I used to have much more curiosity about things like that as a teenager, and would go to or whatever on occasion, but after a certain point seeing that stuff began to feel like having toxic waste dumped in my brain and polluting my psyche. I don't necessarily have anything against the idea of being desensitised to it, but I kind of sense that feeling revulsion to it is a sign of maturity.
FUCK, just looked up and saw about the first 10 seconds of three guys, one hammer. Holy fucking Jesus that was atrocious.
I saw that video. The cat makes the most disturbing sound you'll ever hear in your life. Ever. Like a scream and a screech, and it just fucking curdles my blood every time I think about it.

I once had to put a squirrel out of it's misery and that happened. A dog down the street got a hold of the squirrel and mangled it pretty bad. It was pretty much paralyzed and panting heavy. I didn't want it to lay there and suffer until it died or was eaten by some other dog or something so I killed it with a shovel. It died fast and I think it was the right thing to do, but it let out the most horrible shrill cry I have ever heard and it pretty much traumatized me all day.
This one ought to make you wince... or laugh... or whatever.

If he's just mocking racists then getting a fucking swastika tattooed on his breast american history x style was a bit much.