The pics thread


New one...these are fun to make and look cool, digging the idea that this could become an interesting series.
Flash words are annoying and weaken your argument.

Finger-wagging, self-righteous reactionaries are preventing the US from progressing toward equality for its citizens.

Vague terms are much more annoying, words like "equality".

I spent five years in the armed forces, so I speak from experience.All of those words fit 100%, although they do not apply to 100% of US military personel. Regardless of individual views, all military personnel are basically national mercenaries. You contract your services as a soldier in return for pay and various benefits.

Originally the term mercenary only applied to foreign paid troops, but considering the two modern developments like Blackwater (foreign and national membered military for hire) and the high numbers of non-US citizens in the US Armed Forces, these lines have become very blurred.

As far as brainwashing goes, the military, like any large corporate/beaurocratic machine, attempts to brainwash its employees. The personnel that stay in past the first term enlistment/commission are usually the ones who were most affected.

Nothing about signing a piece of paper agreeing to fight for money should grant any kind of special status in regards to owning or operating weapons.

@Dev :LOL at "fighting for world peace and safety". Safe for corporate pillaging maybe.

@V5: Nice, looks like a monster stuck in a kaleidoscope.
They're fighting for world peace and safety. Whether they're doing it right is another story entirely.

Let me speak Dakryn for a moment:

The lizardjewsocialistgunstealingunclesamilluminati is secretly controlling the entire world but is wasting resources in making us think there are world issues. Actually, they're not even doing that. They just trapped you in a room filled with holograms where you actually walk on a floor that moves with you so they think that you're moving. Everything is imaginary and you're in some fucking tube or something.

Nothing about signing a piece of paper agreeing to fight for money should grant any kind of special status in regards to owning or operating weapons.


New one...these are fun to make and look cool, digging the idea that this could become an interesting series.

At the tip of the point near the top it sort of looks like the "all seeing eye" mixed with baphomet with its arms open.
Pretty cool :kickass:

New one...these are fun to make and look cool, digging the idea that this could become an interesting series.

I love the subtle colors in these. Your first one had some infernal reds, and this one has some almost sylvan greens. It's like an industrial domination over nature, or maybe a biological/industrial combination. Still very sci-fi.