The pics thread

Me and my roommate, Bryan. He's from way up in Northern Maine but he's a computer-focused person. Very easy-going guy. I don't have a chance of getting him into metal, but at least he doesn't listen to mainstream garbage.

Your roommate is pretty damn sexy.
Fuck yes!

That looks like a nice place by the way. So what are you studying?

I'm studying to be a Latin teacher, and I'll probably pick up a Classics certification while I'm at it. I've also got classes in psychology, anthropology, and ocean science.

But I do have school in general to complain about. Classes start on Tuesday, and I'm not mentally prepared to get back into the swing of things at all. I'm just hoping my teachers won't suck.
What does your roommate listen to, Zeph?

He doesn't really listen to much. If anything he listens to video-game music and J-pop. But I'm certainly relieved that he doesn't listen to any of the mainstream's excretions.

:kickass: I'm a marine science major. Very nice room, looks like you brought a ton of stuff though, must have been hard moving in.

Actually it was pretty easy. The freshman show up a few days before everyone else, so less crowds, and we show up in time slots according to last name. We drove straight up to the door and a bunch of volunteers came and had all my stuff onto the fourth floor in less than 10 minutes. After that I spent all day setting things up.

Oh, I forgot to take a pic of the mini-fridge/microwave we rented for the year. Gotta have my 8 PM coffee.