The pics thread

I don't even use a pillow, I put my head on a mother fucking brick, and I lay on a concrete floor with no blankets.
My new dorm room!!! :)

I don't even use a pillow, I put my head on a mother fucking brick, and I lay on a concrete floor with no blankets.

Every night I jump into a volcano and spend the night in there. Then in the morning I erupt from it violently and spit lava into children's eyes.

Your move, motherfucker.
omg drone ranger your room is so cutesy. i bought animal print bedding when i was a freshman because i wanted "sex bedding." facepalm at virgin krampus.
LOL. Idk what sheets my boyfriend swipes my vcard on, he can take it on an old mattress for all i care.

And yeah I adore my room :tickled: I need to clean it though... :p
Every night I jump into a volcano and spend the night in there. Then in the morning I erupt from it violently and spit lava into children's eyes.

Your move, motherfucker.
I transport my body all the way to Antarctica, Dig a big ass hole about 5 miles in, I fall into that shit, then bury myself. Oh, and I'm completely naked. Then when I wake up, I plunge myself out of the hole, ice flying everywhere, going straight into the explorers cock and balls,(and if they're female, right into their vagina), and then they bleed everywhere letting the cold into their bloodstream.

Oh, nice pictures Neur.