The pics thread

I transport my body all the way to Antarctica, Dig a big ass hole about 5 miles in, I fall into that shit, then bury myself. Oh, and I'm completely naked. Then when I wake up, I plunge myself out of the hole, ice flying everywhere, going straight into the explorers cock and balls,(and if they're female, right into their vagina), and then they bleed everywhere letting the cold into their bloodstream.

I launch myself into the sun every night, have it explode and the resulting million-degree magma balls launch into every one of my foes, then I meticulously reconstruct it by the morning. Also I shatter the dreams of young children while using their tears as sustenance.
I don't doubt it. my dad is about 5'10 and 230 and he is just a tub of lard with a gigantic hard-fat barrel, back rolls, a double neck, the whole fat package.

I'm sure everyone is on the edges of their seats waiting for the "Skinny Krig" butt picture!