The pics thread

Went hiking once, just west of Calgary, in the foothills and we came across a hard of mountain goats who had come down to the lower pastures to graze. They were simply not afraid of people and several came up to me as a I knelt down and checked me out, sniffing my hand and hair. Interesting creatures.

I don't want to get into the situation because could write about 6 pages right now, but she tells me things on the phone or when we do get to see each other. I actually spend lots of time lately interpereting things she's said to figure out the meaning and also have been dreaming every night. Various dreams. I'm 23and she's older, 27. I've only fooled around with females around 17,18. She can't just come over,etc.. the entire fact that neither of us have are own place and the entire situation. It can't be fucking easy and that's where fear comes in for me. She's not blunt at all. If we talk for just 4,5 minutes or hang out can occupy myself for days.

I had a few last night. One had something to do with a big spider and it was at my old house where I grew up when a kid. I don't know, but it does not sit right with me. I did have a sex dream,etc... all kinds of fucking dreams.

She's my guide and I lost her at somepoint, she knows and is giving me time, but just not all the time in the world. If I do things in my own life that's where it seems to go wrong somehow. There's gaps inbetween also, but she is my mistress or something. Once I think am other than hers that's when major issues happen. As in it's best for me to give up all control now. It's just a situation that I don't like and know she does not either. It's not her fault, how can I resent her or why piss her off or frusterate her. She basically owns me and I hate it. I did get a voicemail from her recently and do not plan on hearing her like that again. That's all I know.
i lol at everything


Really? What's this do for ya?

Oh the goats were posted on last page. Here, my apologies:





Too many asses on the internet.