The pics thread

Woke up this morning and something wasn't quite right. Hope it's not the herp.


You're fucking sexy.
now theres a real woman

howd you get that teeth effect?

Hahah. Photoshop!!! and you might be sorry you asked... okay apologies for the novel I'm about to write, if you don't care just ignore it.

So first I took a picture of myself on my webcam. Then I opened it in photoshop, went to Image>mode>grayscale to make it black and white. Then went to image>mode>rgb color.

Then I double clicked the image under the layers panel to rename it, if you don't the background remains locked. Then I duplicated the layer several times and adjusted it with adjustment layers. When I was happy with it, I saved it and it became my facebook default. But then, I started toying around with it a bit more..and had the idea of making a fucked up face.
Sooo, I merged the existing layers, used dodge and burn tools to darken and lighten areas around the eyes
Then, found a picture of shark teeth on the net. Also opened in photoshop, then went to image>mode>grayscale then back to image>mode rgb to make it black and white, then bring it back to rgb mode so that I could use all of the filters.
I used a layer mask to select just the teeth area, then applied it so the rest of the picture was deleted (I could have just erased the rest of the picture...I know...) Sooo then I had just the black and white shark teeth. I used adjustment layers and filters to get it to the way I wanted it to look, then brought it on over to the picture of me. I used dodge and burn again, to lighten and darken the areas I felt like. Part of it I didn't like so I just ended up erasing more of it, but with the eraser set to a lower opacity so that I could have more control over the lights and darks.
Oh yeah, I resized the image to fit the picture using edit>transform>scale, edit>transform>rotate, and edit>transform perspective.

It sounds complicated I guess...but if you know a bit about photoshop then it really isn't that bad. I used the highpass filter a lot, the adjustment layers I used were levels, brightness/contrast and exposure. And played with the blending modes (on the layers pallete, where it says "normal" i switched some layers to overlay, and color burn).
Hahah. Photoshop!!! and you might be sorry you asked... okay apologies for the novel I'm about to write, if you don't care just ignore it.

So first I took a picture of myself on my webcam. Then I opened it in photoshop, went to Image>mode>grayscale to make it black and white. Then went to image>mode>rgb color.

Then I double clicked the image under the layers panel to rename it, if you don't the background remains locked. Then I duplicated the layer several times and adjusted it with adjustment layers. When I was happy with it, I saved it and it became my facebook default. But then, I started toying around with it a bit more..and had the idea of making a fucked up face.
Sooo, I merged the existing layers, used dodge and burn tools to darken and lighten areas around the eyes
Then, found a picture of shark teeth on the net. Also opened in photoshop, then went to image>mode>grayscale then back to image>mode rgb to make it black and white, then bring it back to rgb mode so that I could use all of the filters.
I used a layer mask to select just the teeth area, then applied it so the rest of the picture was deleted (I could have just erased the rest of the picture...I know...) Sooo then I had just the black and white shark teeth. I used adjustment layers and filters to get it to the way I wanted it to look, then brought it on over to the picture of me. I used dodge and burn again, to lighten and darken the areas I felt like. Part of it I didn't like so I just ended up erasing more of it, but with the eraser set to a lower opacity so that I could have more control over the lights and darks.
Oh yeah, I resized the image to fit the picture using edit>transform>scale, edit>transform>rotate, and edit>transform perspective.

It sounds complicated I guess...but if you know a bit about photoshop then it really isn't that bad. I used the highpass filter a lot, the adjustment layers I used were levels, brightness/contrast and exposure. And played with the blending modes (on the layers pallete, where it says "normal" i switched some layers to overlay, and color burn).
Wow. You should copypaste that to me when I record my black metal project and I need an album cover.
I saved the pic on my comp. I'll try to do it tonight sometime. I just got back from work and school and I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(etc) tired. So yeah, nap, photoshop, then i'll be back (wish I had some killer sunglasses for saying that) Oh yeah would you prefer color or black and white?

@ V5, I know illustrator and indesign too ;)
no weigh!!1! it's almost like you are studying graphic design either in school or on your own time!!

for the record, FUCKKKKK INDESIGN
no weigh!!1! it's almost like you are studying graphic design either in school or on your own time!!

for the record, FUCKKKKK INDESIGN

That's exactly what I'm doing ;). This semester I have no computer classes though, just 2d and 3d design, and art history (which I have to go to the met for at the crack of dawn tomorrow).

indesign isn't that bad. I've been using it over the past few semesters, usually always for designing cd booklet layouts and stuff. I loved the projects I've had to do so it like..forced me to learn it.