The pics thread

I see you're rocking the perverted spock haircut. Noice.

Every day I think more and more about cutting my hair : /
It's weird how some people just look fucked up all skinny and shit.I congratulate you on a great job and all Krig but I think you are one of those who looks better being fat and not giving a fuck.
It's almost as if this quest to be skinny has stripped you of your personality and what made you endearing in the first place and subsequently turned you into some kind've non-descript nerd.
Not to worry bud and keep up the good work,it's paying off.If you don't mind me asking,how old are you? I'll get a hold of a digital camera over the weekend.I'm 34 and still look like i'm 20 odd apparently and i've been a bad man,as far as abusing my body goes.
No matter how much you try genetics always take over,I like you better when you don't care.Same goes for Krampus,does'nt matter what you eat.
Apparently I finally look old. Most stores around here have a policy of IDing anyone who tries to buy beer that looks less than 40, and I rarely get asked to show ID. :(
