The pics thread

lol this is not the first time Ozzman gets butthurt and goes "YOUR GIRL IS AVERAGE LOOKING." calm down brah. now you have less competition to get to Shakira - though since you don't even leave your house on the weekend it seems unlikely you'll cross paths. WHAM BAM!

Actually, I don't think his prom date was average looking at all (in fact, she looked better than average). She looked like my type anyway.
I feel extremely blessed to have such low standards in women so as to find no sense in these aesthetic critiques offered by the lot of you of that particular wench.
Low standards doesn't imply no standards, haha. You've seen me post Renaissance paintings, and those broads have more meat on those bones than what we'd consider attractive today. I suppose I was born too late.
Working on a new series of digital composite artworks comprised of Blender-renders inhabiting and integrating into innocuous, prosaic landscapes. Check it:


bigger version
They're probably about as confused about his sexuality as I am. I would say straight, but he keeps dropping hints that he's gay and giving ambiguous answers when I ask him.
Low standards doesn't imply no standards, haha. You've seen me post Renaissance paintings, and those broads have more meat on those bones than what we'd consider attractive today. I suppose I was born too late.

I think in this day and age everyone is just thrilled to get a girlfriend who weighs less than 200 pounds.
I just cant imagine why you have issues getting females.
yep, it's because of knives....
no it's because im an asshole and antisocial to boot. :fu:

They're probably about as confused about his sexuality as I am. I would say straight, but he keeps dropping hints that he's gay and giving ambiguous answers when I ask him.
can I suck you off?
WAIF's rants about women are far more annoying. He's extremely opinionated and it's doubly annoying because I read his rants in the voice of an angry prepubescent boy.

Let me imitate one: That woman is not attractive. Her boobs are too big and her ass is too big. The large ass is only impressive to the plebeian ghetto types who don't appreciate true female beauty. Her boobs don't look very firm and are probably very floppy and ugly out of the bra. As for her hair, the dyeing job is badly done, and the shade is horrible looking. She also looks like an emaciated whore. She doesn't look natural or attractive in any way.

I loled.
Some pictures of my band from one of our recent gigs. Unfortunately, couldn't find one good one with the drummer because he's hiding behind the drumkit.

And here's one of me with my new guitar I got 3 weeks ago. I took it when I just received it, my hair's alot shorter and not as thick now.
