The pics thread

Nice one.I envy anyone who gets a job doing something they really enjoy.
I agree with you, yet it's not my full time job, just part time. There are bad sides about it too - you can't really relax or have fun in the places where everyone is having fun - metal shows and fests, plus the equipment is hella heavy and you have to carry it with you from morning till night. But in general - I love it and give it my all passion.
I agree with you, yet it's not my full time job, just part time. There are bad sides about it too - you can't really relax or have fun in the places where everyone is having fun - metal shows and fests, plus the equipment is hella heavy and you have to carry it with you from morning till night. But in general - I love it and give it my all passion.

I totally agree.

I love shooting the stuff I shoot, but I end up missing the real enjoyment of the performances because I'm concentrating on creating good work. And yes, it's exhausting staring through the viewfinder for hours on end and carrying shit around, not to mention balancing in strange postures when trying to get a good shot. And THEN! - there's the post-processing!

It's hard work, but the end result of each image makes it all worth it.
I agree with you, yet it's not my full time job, just part time. There are bad sides about it too - you can't really relax or have fun in the places where everyone is having fun - metal shows and fests, plus the equipment is hella heavy and you have to carry it with you from morning till night. But in general - I love it and give it my all passion.

Yeah I finally got my 70-200mm 2.8 and that thing is heavvyyyy, but good exercise I suppose.
chaos at my parents house as we squeeze 4 cars into the garage because of this hurricane

That was at our bassist and I's going away party. Invite only. They had to answer a 10 question Middle-Earth survey and know the password to get through the gates of Moria.

Addo of queer is the dude with no shirt, and the other guitarist used to post on here.