The pics thread

People seem to be ok with bands like Morbid Angel, Darkthrone and Metallica releasing shitty, godawful music because "it's their 10th album, what do you expect, bla bla bla". I don't think it's ok at all, I think it's really strange. You can't have released an Altars of Madness and then not realize that Illud Divinum Insanus is complete crap. These artists are all bullshitters.
I think the problem is that some of the most highly regarded bands have people who are too arty/trendy/gay and hence feel the need to incorporate shit influences once musical trends alter and their original style is seen as outdated by Paris Hilton.
Out there are people who like it, even if it's not their general audience. I don't see why a band should feel obligated to make only the music their fans want to hear.
People seem to be ok with bands like Morbid Angel, Darkthrone and Metallica releasing shitty, godawful music because "it's their 10th album, what do you expect, bla bla bla". I don't think it's ok at all, I think it's really strange. You can't have released an Altars of Madness and then not realize that Illud Divinum Insanus is complete crap. These artists are all bullshitters.

Darkthrone has never released something even close to what either Morbid Angel or Metallic have done, you stupid kid.
I think it's a little annoying when people get mad about a band making an album for a different fan base. It's not like they sent out a personal letter saying "hey, guys, just wanna let you know that our next album will have the sound that you love. - X Band" It's their music. They can do whatever the fuck they want. Just don't listen to it.
People seem to be ok with bands like Morbid Angel, Darkthrone and Metallica releasing shitty, godawful music because "it's their 10th album, what do you expect, bla bla bla". I don't think it's ok at all, I think it's really strange. You can't have released an Altars of Madness and then not realize that Illud Divinum Insanus is complete crap. These artists are all bullshitters.

What? Who are these people? Last I checked there's been worldwide panning of Metallica and Morbid Angel. As to why you mentioned Darkthrone alongside those two bands, I haven't the slightest.
New Darkthrone is washed out and fucking boring. BUT it will never contain the same amount of fail because what do you fucking expect? They are getting older and they enjoy this retro stuff. I can’t blame them really. The reason why Illud and Lulu suck so much is because it’s old guys thinking that they’re doing something innovative and fresh and failing horribly at it.
No, you're not older than I am, but nice try.

Take your shitty opinions on newer Darkthrone to the GMD forum so I can sodomize you there instead of fucking up this thread.

Stop being a niggot about this. Weren't you born in the late eighties or something?

If Fenriz wants to make brain dead beer drinking music then fine, but don't do it under the same moniker that Soulside Journey and Transilvanian Hunger were released under.

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Stop being a niggot about this. Weren't you born in the late eighties or something?

If Fenriz wants to make brain dead beer drinking music then fine, but don't do it under the same moniker that Soulside Journey and Transilvanian Hunger were released under.

I was born in 1977.

Secondly, what Fenriz and Ted create now is just black-and-roll that's taken more inspiration from lo-fi production and the punk/thrash aesthetics from the mid 1980s. If you expect two guys who were in their late teens and early 20s when they created some of the best black metal to still have the same feelings, thoughts and emotions they did then now that they're both 40, and create the same style of music, you're an idiot.

People listen to more music, have more experiences with creating new riffs, drum patterns, but you just want a rehash of 'A Blaze in the Northern Sky'? How fucking ignorant are you? Just go listen to the original album again. Nothing Darkthrone has done has been an affront to their legacy or their own roots. Fenriz has admitted to listening to punk and hardcore albums since he was a teenager and has admitted, most recently on the Total Death reissue commentary, that thrash metal is still the genre that appeals to him the most, so why the fuck do you think their latest albums have a sound that reverberates more with their own tastes?

However, they've still worked within the trappings of traditional metal sounds. Nothing on FOAD or Circle the Wagons sounds as if it's a complete separate entity from the sounds you can hear on other metal albums.

Fucking Swedes, man.