The pics thread

I was born in 1977.

You got me there man, I was born in 1985.

Secondly, what Fenriz and Ted create now is just black-and-roll that's taken more inspiration from lo-fi production and the punk/thrash aesthetics from the mid 1980s. If you expect two guys who were in their late teens and early 20s when they created some of the best black metal to still have the same feelings, thoughts and emotions they did then now that they're both 40, and create the same style of music, you're an idiot.

People listen to more music, have more experiences with creating new riffs, drum patterns, but you just want a rehash of 'A Blaze in the Northern Sky'? How fucking ignorant are you? Just go listen to the original album again. Nothing Darkthrone has done has been an affront to their legacy or their own roots. Fenriz has admitted to listening to punk and hardcore albums since he was a teenager and has admitted, most recently on the Total Death reissue commentary, that thrash metal is still the genre that appeals to him the most, so why the fuck do you think their latest albums have a sound that reverberates more with their own tastes?

However, they've still worked within the trappings of traditional metal sounds. Nothing on FOAD or Circle the Wagons sounds as if it's a complete separate entity from the sounds you can hear on other metal albums.

Fucking Swedes, man.

It's not about the change in sound. If they could make a good thrash/punk/heavy album they should do it, but they haven't.

You seem to have missed why I mentioned Soulside Journey and Transilvanian Hunger specifically. They're two Darkthrone albums that sound nothing the same, and yet there's something that ties them closely together and clearly sets them apart from newer Darkthrone; ambition level. Every early Darkthrone album - regardless if it contained death, black or thrash metal - had sky high artistic ambitions, while later Darkthrone barely has any goal at all, other than to emulate a sound (i.e the sound of the bands that influenced them). The problem is that, instead of processing their influences and coming out with their own thing, like they did on ABITNS, they're lazily copying them, using a template. It's style over substance now.

No Feelings (No Ideas) illustrates the problem perfectly, being built up by a bunch of "punkish" riffs and sections that are completely arbitrary in relation to each other. If it wasn't for the vocals and the funny lyrics it could fool anyone into thinking it's a Darkthrone song.
It's really unfortunate that it seems like the only songs people are aware of from the newer Darkthrone albums are the 'hail old metal' songs that Fenriz writes, while ignoring the more inspired stuff that Nocturno Culto is still writing.

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^ I like that first darkthrone song, i'll have to try the others.


I can only laugh at this for racist reasons... but i can't help laughing!

Poutine, what have I done?!?!?!?!


ZESTY MORDANT CHIPS, we're gettin real drunk tonight boys!



Thought of DeathDelirium driving up...

Totally not how I pictured you. I thought you'd look something like a mix between Edward Norton and Vin Diesel.
Totally not how I pictured you. I thought you'd look something like a mix between Edward Norton and Vin Diesel.

That's kinda weird but complimentary I guess, so thanks or something. I've posted my pic on here several times before btw