The pics thread

^ Dude you sent me a text right? I was busy the entire week and I'm pretty tired and waiting for my girl to return from Poland. I'll let you know some other time.
I tried some of those on in Austin but I couldn't get my toes in the holes properly. My second to last toe isn't straight like that, it kind of curves inward. They seemed cool though.

Yeah I always have to mess around with mine when I first put em on to get the toes all properly placed. Not really a big deal.
I happen to love my Vibrams. I commit the ultimate crime and don't use them for running, however. Usually I'm wearing flip flops, which are are only out-loathed by Crocs. I've really reached the point in my life where whether or not something is stylish is about the last thing I consider in clothing and footwear. That's what being off the market does to a man, I guess.

Well, to each his own I guess. I've just know some people that own them that I would rather not associate with. They gave them a bad name I suppose.
Well, to each his own I guess. I've just know some people that own them that I would rather not associate with. They gave them a bad name I suppose.

Well there are always people that try and latch on to the newest thing, for attention getting purposes, and then throw it in everyone's face constantly.

Those people are usually big fans of Apple products.
Some tiny, beautiful girl at uni wears pink wellies on the hottest days of summer. They must be dry on the outside and soaking wet on the inside.

This is what a real man wears:


Rainbow's ftw. I've had my pair for over 8 years now and they're still going strong.

Good luck out running rabid bears in those things.

I usually get about two years out of AE flipflops. The rest of the flipflop will be fine and the thong will finally hit the limit. I only buy the mostly-leather varieties though. Last longer than nylon/cloth.