The pics thread

Hey Dave, here's what I think about how you look


Thanks for never answering my questions in the other thread, you fucking troll
Nice job being a loser there.

At least I'm not a worthless piece of shit.

You still haven't answered my questions. This is probably because if you answer the questions, it will destroy your ego. Nice going, faggot.
You know exactly what the fuck my question was. It was in the thread where you talked about forcing your dad to buy a nicer car and shit. I can't be bothered to find it as I am quite drunk at the moment.

I posted my question and you fucking circumvented the goddamn thing like a faggot.
dude I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

my dad's not buying me any car, I am paying for that shit 100% by myself (including tax, downpayment etc...)

There WERE weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!

Alberto Gonzales had proper grounds for firing those attorneys.

What holocaust? Is that a kind of cake?

Here's the thing Dave:

Regardless of how fit or muscular you are, many girls will not like you due to your overly eastern European looks. Hot (read: WASPy) girls are not going to be attracted to you as long as you are Armenian (or whatever). You need to get out and find the EE girls, who would be more willing to sleep around. You might as well check out my neighborhood in Chicago, which is overwhelmingly Polish.
I am trying to hit on some cute but chubby chick on myspace right now

I wonder if I can get some easy head then tell her to fuck off.

You sir, are the antithesis of anything gentlemanly. It's like life took a massive shit in the united states and that piece of shit started lifting weights. Not only do you always BITCH about not getting laid, you verbally (at least on these boards) treat females like fucking objects. And to top it off, when your not talking about trying to finger bitches (or whatever the fuck you want to do), you talk about your damn body. The entire board isn't the god damn weightlifting thread - no one wants to fucking hear it!

Here is your contribution to the board for the last two weeks of September:
my pecs poke through every shirt I wear now, it's pretty sick :D

when I wear tight ones, it just looks UNREAL, I get like 3 or 4 compliments on it daily :D

is drunk sex better than sober sex?

so I just got messaged by a gay guy online, he wants to give me head for 800 dollars. Just head nothing else, LOL
this is my second "gay for pay" offer.

I must be the only "jock" on the face of the earth who doesn't get laid 24-7

I must be the only "jock" on the face of the earth who doesn't get laid 24-7

LOL money is not an issue man. I have considered dropping a 1,000 on a "top" level escort, but that shit would be humiliating and demoralizing to me as a man.

jesus christ, why am I so fucking obsessed with this girls issue? I can't stop thinking about it

oh god :erk:

I just came home from the gym and I had some gay guy staring at me :erk:

I took off my shirt in the gym momentarily to check out the progress and this gay dude gave me this dirty look :erk:. he tried to make some eye contact and smile at me and I just got the fuck out of there as soon as possible

goddamn it, why do homos love me? (no homo)

I am going to try to go to college/high school parties to build up my game/confidence. Can't be much easier than trying to pick up drunk 17 year old high school girls.

Your entire contribution to this board has literally been about really gay shit, you fucking up with women, or you just being a fucking retard. Usually though, it's some combination of all three; example:
Dudes, I was at the gym squating on some dude when I was offered $4,000 to jerk off a guy in the bathroom (no homo); but you know, my dad makes so much more money than that, and $4000 isn't a lot of money anyway! Too bad I can't get a woman to pay me that though har har har o' I is sad now :(

I didn't fucking care if they banned you before; but now I'll basically support any fucking action to have you erased from these boards.