The pics thread

Here's a picture of my Philmot Crew on top of the Tooth of Time. I am the one to the right of the guy with the backwards hat
damn, too bad i cant see it (site blockers)

philmont was interesting. it wasnt as cool as i thought it would be. the treks we did to get ready for philmont were more interesting (scenary wise) than philmont. getting drenched every night sucked and the food was a total step down from what we usually did! whoever thought creating a campsite in a "dry" lake bed was a moron. we also went at the end of the season, so everyone was starting to pack up when we got to each camp. kinda shitty, but id probably do it again, earlier in the season.
We went in early July and the weather was good for the most part. Food was alright except for Hawaiian Chicken :)ill:). Scenery I thought was great as were all the activities (I dominated at Shotgun shooting), not to mention the sense of accomplishment it gave.
My troop sucked. We only did like 3 hikes for the entire time that I was there. I wish it had been more active as far as wilderness activities was concerned. Frankly, it was more of a fraternal gathering than an actual troop. I'd like to do more wilderness things now, but I don't have the motivation and time to do it at the same time, ever.
:lol::lol::lol: OK, i missed so fucking much...screw work!

anway lol at dave
anyone who is in PETA tends to be a nutcase
and maybe i'll post a pic later if i feel like taking any
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have a LOOOONG way from being "swole" bro. Keep working at it though. As well as deflating the noggin.

From his posts I've basically now assumed he's:

A: Over-compensating for his tiny, tiny penis.

B: Over-compensating for his repressed homosexuality, and these gays blokes are not only not gay, but aren't looking at him. He's got penis paranoia.
im bored so i'll post a pic
me right now, i hate my curly "fro" thing i got going on